11 Questions with TikTok Content Creator: @IllogicalSkittles

11 Questions with TikTok Content Creator: @IllogicalSkittles

28 February 2022

IN BRIEF | 7 min read


By Wayne Sing (Communications & New Media '25)


  • Elizabeth Lee (Communications & New Media '23), better known as @IllogicalSkittles on Tiktok, discusses her experience creating videos online, her life as a CNM student and future plans.


We sat down with Elizabeth Lee, a current third-year student majoring in Communications & New Media (CNM) to ask some questions about her newfound success online. Also known by her account name @IllogicalSkittles on Tiktok, Elizabeth started creating content on Tiktok in late 2020, and has not stopped since. Amassing over 12k followers and 520k likes on Tiktok, she regularly posts content about gaming, entrepreneurship and life as a student in NUS.

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-28 at 12.00.11


Could you share more about your content and what you do on Tiktok?

Well, I started making content on TikTok in 2020, just when the app was really starting to get popular, posting about my business, Illogical Pins and sharing my experiences running a business as a university student. Last year, I made the switch to expand my content to include my interests like Genshin Impact and figure skating.


I see. Why the shift to Genshin Impact content then? 

Ah, honestly? That was just a shot in the dark. I got into Genshin Impact last April and saw quite a few videos on TikTok. Those videos got really popular and so I just continued posting about the game from there. I’m quite grateful to the Genshin community, actually. They’re quite supportive! 


Why did you decide to start creating content online on Tiktok?

I realised a lot of jobs were calling for short video production capabilities and some even specifically calling for TikTok content production! Then, I  didn’t know much about TikTok as I did other social media accounts like Instagram. So, I thought the best way to learn how to use social media was to actually be on it and experiment how it works. 


Here are some ways I've gotten internships! Let me know if you have questions! #tiktoksg #smallbusiness #adulting #university #hustle

♬ Beach Night - Kavv


How long does it take to film and edit a video from start to finish?

Not that long! A big thing on TikTok is being spontaneous. Videos with trending sounds are quite easy to film and edit. But my longer videos with voiceovers that tell a story do require a bit of planning. I just form a mental list of talking points in my head and hit record. These maybe take like an hour?


Could you share some of your favourite videos that you have posted?

The videos that feature my mom on Genshin Impact are my favourites since the comments always bring a lot of joy to me – sometimes I think my mother is more famous than I am! 



What do you like most about creating content on Tiktok?

I like how I’m able to build a community of people just by posting on TikTok; whether it's posting about the enamel pins I make or the games I play. I constantly have to think about how I can leverage trends to promote a product or talk about something relatable. 


How was it balancing your time between school, friends and creating content online?

Haha, I get asked this a lot. Honestly, it’s not as hard as people make it out to be once you discover your working style and priorities. The most important thing is to have a good balance between work and play. It also helps the skills I need for school and work are also pretty transferable and I’ve got clear workflows down to do things efficiently. 


That’s great to hear! How has your experience studying in CNM been so far?

It’s been quite fun so far! I like that CNM builds on my existing knowledge of media. NM2219 (Principles of Communication Management) was quite helpful in understanding the reputational challenges of a brand and how they could be remedied. In NM3217 (Principles of Communication Design), I created a whole rebranding exercise for Illogical Pins which I intend to execute sometime this year.  What makes it so interesting is that I am able to put the theories I learned into practice for my business.


Is there any reason why you decided to study CNM in NUS?

What worked for me is that CNM builds on my existing knowledge of media and I can choose what I want to learn from a wide range of modules from different areas of media. It gives a theoretical lens to challenges I face when building my business and I enjoy being able to apply what I've learnt into everyday scenarios.


Do you have any advice for prospective students planning to study CNM in future?

Figure out what you’d truly like to get out of the major and work backwards! There’s a slight misconception that once you study media, you’re limited to working in the media industry like agencies or production houses. The reality is that all industries need media specialists so figure out what sort of specialist you’d like to be. 


If you have no idea, go for a more general education and pick modules from a bunch of different categories. It’s only through exposure and trying new things that you’ll figure out what you really like, what you dislike, and what you don’t mind doing for a living.


Are you planning any future projects for your viewers in 2022?

Well, my content revolves around my businesses! I do want to release some Genshin Impact inspired merchandise sometime this year so expect lots of tote bags, pins and stationery. I would probably document all of this too – so stick around and find out!