What is your future like as a CNM Student? Let our graduates tell you.

What is your future like as a CNM Student? Let our graduates tell you.

29 March 2022

IN BRIEF | 7 min read

By Communications & New Media, NM4207 Students


What job prospects can Communications and New Media (CNM) major offer you? From Shopee to Ogilvy, let our 3 graduates share their insights.


Justyn Toh

Meet Justyn, who has been working as a Marketing Associate with Shopee Singapore for a year.


How was your experience in CNM?

Great! Although the bulk of my education was done online, it was still delivered well through weekly zoom tutorials and lectures. I also enjoyed how more emphasis was placed on class participation which ensured students had to pay attention or attend class in order to make the grade.


How has CNM helped you in your career?

CNM has given me adequate exposure to do a marketing role through the modules I picked. Some good examples include Crisis Communications and Writing for the Creative Marketplace.


What is your fondest memory as a CNM student?

My fondest memory as a CNM student would be being a lost freshman attending his first lecture, trying to navigate throughout the maze (that is our faculty)! Learning what communications is all about was also very interesting to me.

To learn more about Justyn’s work-life at Shopee, check out a day in the life of Shopee here!


Calista Chan

Next, we have Calista, a General Education Officer specialising in English and Literature at a local school. She has been teaching for three years- since she was an undergraduate, even!


How was your experience in CNM?

Although teaching and literature are my main areas of interest, I absolutely loved the content that CNM offered. The intersection of literature and CNM in the mental models behind media consumption has always appealed to me, thus I particularly enjoyed the modules on interactive storytelling and graphic design. CNM can be tricky at times since it's as if I'm using a different side of my brain, but overall I had a great time.


How has CNM helped you in your career?

The whole idea of visibilising cognition is crucial to education. Be it in designing lesson materials or curating the way that students interpret a whiteboard, learning itself depends upon plenty of CNM principles. Likewise, empathising with and analysing one's audience lies at the very heart of numerous teaching principles.


What is your fondest memory as a CNM student?

Definitely dropping by different guest talks hosted by Dr Yue, amongst others! Although we may never get the chance to meet these guest speakers as guest lecturers, these talks are guaranteed to be edifying (and free). I believe there was even a talk on poetry in video games, which is entirely up my alley.


Liming Yu

Last but not least, we have Liming, an Account Servicing and Public Relations Associate at Ogilvy Singapore, one of the top agencies in the world.


How was your experience in CNM?

I enjoyed my journey as I made friends with many fun-loving people through orientation camps and CNM modules. I was lucky to be an orientation group leader during the summer break in 2018 as it helped me forge stronger bonds with my batch mates and juniors. They are a lovely bunch of people who I still keep in contact and meet up with regularly.


How has CNM helped you in your career?

The compulsory internship module in CNM was very useful in helping undergraduates to strengthen or beef up their resumes. I had the wonderful opportunity to intern at Ogilvy Singapore when I was taking the internship module, and converted as a full-time employee after graduation.

The numerous group projects in CNM allowed me to be a strong team player and guided me to be someone who’s good with meeting timelines. I have also become more analytical and critical in my thought processes, which are all essential skills required in the workforce.


What is your fondest memory as a CNM student?

My fondest memory as a CNM undergraduate would be the time when I joined CNM orientation camp as a leader. It was a wonderful opportunity to make friends with my batch mates, and it’s nice knowing that I can always count on them for help and support. They are one of my biggest takeaways throughout my university life.

Thank you to Justyn, Calista and Liming for being part of this series! This interview is brought to you by a group of CNM students as part of this year’s student takeover. Follow us on Instagram and TikTok to learn more about CNM student life!