Research/Book Talks

Date Venue Title Speaker
19 Jan 2024 AS6 03-38 Playroom Why everything you know about computers is wrong. Computers are invocational media Dr. Chris Chesher
26 Jan 2024 Zoom Webinar The Radical Novelty of Platform Content Moderation Dr. João C. Magalhães 
16 Feb 2024 Zoom Webinar (Book talk) “Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Production: Critical Perspectives on Digital Platforms. Dr. Dalyong Jin
22 Mar 2024 Zoom Webinar (Book talk) Videogame Formalism: On Form, Aesthetic Experience and Methodology Dr. Alex Mitchell and Dr. Jasper Van Vught
3 Apr 2024




The American Life Expectancy Disadvantage and The Search for Social Connection


Mr Kenneth Stern


5 Apr 2024 Zoom Webinar

Digital citizenship and acculturation amongst migrants in Singapore


Dr Natalie Pang


12 Apr 2024 AS6 03-38 Playroom

Information Processing in Participatory Governance

Dr Daniel Berliner
21 Aug 2024 AS6 03-33

Hiding in plain sight: Algorithms’ (in)visibility and conspiratorial views of platform power

Dr João C. Magalhães 
22 Aug 2024 AS7 06-42

(FASS Research Div Seminar Room)

Problematizing platform content moderation

Dr. João C. Magalhães