Course Information - MSocSci (Communication)

Please take note that not all courses are offered every academic year. Please click here for courses to be offered in the upcoming semester.
NMC5301 Strategic and Global Communication
Modular credits: | 4 |
Workload: | 0-3-0-3-4 |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Preclusion(s)/Cross-listing(s): | Nil |
This module covers key aspects of strategic communication, including major theories and models in strategic communication, and how to plan, implement, and evaluate strategic communication initiatives. Students learn to assess organisational needs, identify stakeholders, and develop messages that speak to a variety of stakeholders, both internal and external. Students also explore the integration of multiple forms of public communication, including advertising, public relations, and digital and social media communication, in strategic media campaigns. Upon completing this module, students will have knowledge and skills for developing integrated strategic communication campaigns involving a range of media and communication activities.
NMC5302 Digital Communications and Analytics
Modular credits: | 4 |
Workload: | 0-3-0-4-3 |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Preclusion(s)/Cross-listing(s): | Nil |
This module explores the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie techniques for extracting useful information and knowledge from digital communication data. It will focus on introducing technical data skills within both social and societal contexts. Data-analytic thinking will be applied in various ways, including customer relationship management, social media marketing and analysis, data-driven decision making and strategic communication. Students will gain an understanding of the nature of data and its significance for society by learning to view problems from a data perspective, and understanding how to critically analyse such problems.
NMC5306 Communications and Leadership
Modular credits: | 4 |
Workload: | 0-3-0-5-2 |
Prerequisites: | Nil |
Preclusion(s)/Cross-listing(s): | Nil |
This module guides leaders on how to effectively leverage communications as a strategic tool for organisations. Students learn to maximise the effects of communication in an organisation, integrate all communications plans, and educate senior management on the strategic roles that communications play as well as its contributions to the different teams in an organisation. The module will highlight case studies of successful chief communication officers and the importance of having strategic communication position in the C-suite. Senior leaders in communications both from consultancy and in-house positions will be invited as feature speakers in this class.
NMC5307 Final Year Project in Communication
Modular credits: | 4 |
Workload: | 0-1.5-0-5-3.5 |
Prerequisites: | Completed at least 20MCs of NMC modules, including the core modules for the student’s specialisation. |
Preclusion(s)/Cross-listing(s): | Nil |
This module is an application-led innovative project that allows students to blend direct hands-on industry experience with theory in analysing research data in order to solve communication problems in an intensive mode during one weekend. It simulates real-world processes by situating the learning within an application framework – students are to interpret a given dataset from an organisation and propose communication solutions to the client. As this is a capstone module, students will apply theory and practice to consultancy work by producing a research presentation and a brief research report that are industry ready.
Workload Components: A-B-C-D-E
A: no. of lecture hours per week
B: no. of tutorial hours per week
C: no. of lab hours per week
D: no. of hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork etc per week
E: no. of hours for preparatory work by a student per week