Module Information - Undergraduate

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Level 1

NM1101E Communications, New Media and Society

Modular credits: 4
Workload: 2-1-0-2-5
Prerequisites: Nil
Preclusion(s)/Cross-listing(s): NM1101X or NM1101FC

This module introduces fundamentals of study in communications and new media, exploring ways in which people create and use the variety of emerging networked, mobile, and social media channels to communicate meaning in globalised world. It explores organisational and societal contexts in such areas as games, health, politics, business, public relations, design and activism, with attention paid to creating applications with social impact. Phenomena such as relationships and social life in cyberspace, activism for social change, performance art, deviant behaviour online, communication and community, new business paradigms and economic models of organising and issues in human-computer interaction are explored in-depth.

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Recognised Modules