Master of Arts
Coursework requirements
Candidates are expected to fulfill a minimum of six modules by the end of their candidature, of which the following modules are compulsory:
- NM6101 Advanced Theories in CNM
- NM6103 Quantitative Research Methods in CNM
- NM6104 Qualitative Research Methods in CNM
- NM6770 Graduate Research Seminar
The remaining two elective modules can be read at the 4000, 5000, or 6000 levels, but candidates are not allowed to read more than one module at the 4000 level.
The Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of your modules should not fall below 2.5 for two consecutive terms or 3.0 for three consecutive terms. Failure to meet the average point requirement will result in candidature termination by the university. To graduate, candidates must achieve a minimum CAP of 3.0.
Thesis requirements
Candidates are expected to do original empirical research and write the research findings into a thesis not exceeding 30,000 words. The thesis must demonstrate the ability to conduct high-quality research based on existing literature and research findings.
Doctor of Philosophy (Communications and New Media)
Coursework requirements
Candidates are expected to fulfill a minimum of eight modules by the end of their candidature, of which the following modules are compulsory:
- NM6101 Advanced Theories in CNM
- NM6103 Quantitative Research Methods in CNM
- NM6104 Qualitative Research Methods in CNM
- NM6770 Graduate Research Seminar
The remaining four elective modules can be read at the 4000, 5000, or 6000 levels, but candidates are not allowed to read more than two modules at the 4000 level.
The Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of your modules should not fall below 3.0 for two consecutive terms or 3.5 for three consecutive terms. Failure to meet the average point requirement will result in candidature termination by the university. To graduate, candidates must achieve a minimum CAP of 3.5.
Thesis requirements
Candidates are expected to do original empirical research and write the research findings into a thesis not exceeding 80,000 words. The thesis must demonstrate new contribution to knowledge and extend existing literature in the candidate's chosen field or area.
Doctor of Philosophy (Cultural Studies in Asia)
Coursework requirements
Candidates are expected to fulfill a minimum of eight modules by the end of their candidature, of which the following modules are compulsory:
- CSA6101 Cultural Studies Theory and Analysis
- CSA6102 Cultural Studies in Asia
- CSA6770 Graduate Research Seminar
The remaining four elective modules can be read at the 4000, 5000, or 6000 levels, but candidates are not allowed to read more than two modules at the 4000 level.
The Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of your modules should not fall below 3.0 for two consecutive terms or 3.5 for three consecutive terms. Failure to meet the average point requirement will result in candidature termination by the university. To graduate, candidates must achieve a minimum CAP of 3.5.
Thesis requirements
Candidates are expected to do original empirical research and write the research findings into a thesis not exceeding 80,000 words. The thesis must demonstrate new contribution to knowledge and extend existing literature in the candidate's chosen field or area.