ASEAN Social Impact Awards Ceremony
Three social entrepreneurs were conferred the inaugural ASEAN Social Impact Awards on 21st March 2018 in recognition of their innovations and impact on the community. The ceremony took place at a lunch ceremony, witnessed by ASEAN social welfare ministers & senior officials, philanthropists and social service leaders.
The recipients of the inaugural ASEAN Social Impact Awards are:
- Winner – Ms Tri Mumpuni, Founder of People Centered Business and Economic Institute (IBEKA), Indonesia
- Runner-up – Ms Cherrie Atilano, Founder of AGREA Agricultural Systems International, Inc., Philippines
- Runner-up – Mr Somsak Boonkam, Founder of Local Alike, Thailand
These outstanding individuals were chosen from close to 160 applications received. Projects submitted were from diverse areas such as economic development, children and youth, environment, agriculture, community development and human rights. A panel of judges from NUS, APC and Ashoka selected the final 30. Through a community judging day, a group of 30 judges representative of different sectors selected the final 12. The ASEAN Social Impact Awards committee reviewed all finalists, and organised field visits to view the projects of the six finalists to select the winner and runners-up of the inaugural awards.
To help scale up the impact of their work, Ms Mumpuni was awarded a cash prize of S$50,000, while runners-up Ms Atilano and Mr Boonkam were awarded cash prizes of S$25,000 each.
Press Release : Three outstanding social entrepreneurs conferred the inaugural ASEAN Social Impact Awards communities
Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Following the award ceremony, the 4 Indonesian finalists of the top 6 namely Ms Tri Mumpuni (winner), Ms Maria Loretha, Mr Goris Mustaqim and Mr Irfan Amalee, were invited to give a seminar at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS. The session was attended by local social service practitioners and academics.