Chinese Women’s Association Social Service Leaders Exchange Program 2017 (12th - 23rd June 2017)

2017 Programme Schedule:

Date Programme
12 Jun Team Bonding & Settling In
13 Jun Opening Ceremony of Social Service Leaders Exchange Programme by Guest of Honour, Mrs Betty Chen of Chinese Women’s Association.
Programme briefing. Forming and confirming groups.
14-16 Jun 3 day Family Service Centre Attachment
17 Jun Cultural Tour
18 Jun Free and Easy
19 Jun Specialist Agency Attachment
20 Jun Visit to Henderson Home.
Group preparation for Forum
21 Jun Asian Social Work Forum: Presentation by groups to local practitioners.
Workshop: Organisational Behaviour in Non-Profit Organisation
22 Jun Workshop: Leadership in Non-Profit Organisation
Praxis session
23 Jun Concluding seminar: individual presentations by participants.
Closing Ceremony by Guest of Honour, Mr Richard Eu

16 social service leaders from Asia and in particular ASEAN, were selected to come to Singapore to learn and to share their experiences from their own communities with Singapore social work and service practitioners. This programme provides opportunities for professionals in our social service field to learn about current issues faced by their counterparts in different countries in the region and how they manage to deliver services with limited resources.

The program started on Monday 12th June with a team bonding session in the morning followed by a tour of the NUS campus and getting the participants to settle in. The program was officially opened on Tuesday 13th June by Guest of Honour, Mrs Betty Chen, Patron of Chinese Women’s Association, who encouraged participants to network and learn how to promote innovative services to meet needs of their respective communities. For the next 3 days, the participants were divided into groups and were attached to a Family Service Centre to gain some understanding of social work case management in Singapore. The groups were also assigned a mentor to help them process their learnings and prepare for their presentations in the subsequent week.

A cultural immersion tour was also organized for the participants on the weekend with visits to YMCA, National Museum and Chinatown. In the second week, the participants were given exposure to an area of specialization which included Medical Social Work, Mental Health, Child Protection, Family violence or Disability through a 1 day attachment to a specialized agency. They also visited Henderson Home, a one of a kind elderly home which provided 3 in 1 senior care services. They were impressed with the novel way to help the elderly living in the neighbourhood to age in place. The Home is a model which can be replicated in other places in Singapore and other urban communities in the ASEAN region. The group concluded the visits and attachments satisfactorily. For the rest of the three days, the participants had to work on giving a presentation of their groups’ views to local social service practitioners focusing on their work back in their home countries. They also attended two training sessions which were conducted for them by Dr S.Vasoo on the topic of ‘Promoting Organizational Change and Development’ and local social worker Mr Phua Chun Yat on ‘Program Development and Evaluation in NGOs’. On the last day of the program, the participants gave an individual presentation on their learning takeaways and the action steps they would take once they return. The program was closed by Guest of Honour, Mr Richard Eu, group CEO of Eu Yan Sang International, who presented a certificate of participation to the participants, agencies, mentors and volunteers who were involved in the program, followed by a closing speech. Mr Richard Eu encouraged the participants to help promote services and programmes to help the poorer sector of the community in view of the growing social divide in the various societies in ASEAN. The sharing through social network amongst them can help to bring about useful exchanges of ideas to better their communities.


Chinese Women’s Association

Social Service Leaders Exchange Programme

Programme Outline
The two-week programme will be held in Singapore, under the auspices of the Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore from the 12th to the 25th of June 2017.

Participants would be involved in the following activities:

  1. A short placement in a family service centre in Singapore to gain some understanding of social work case management in Singapore.
  2. Exposure to an area of specialization, which may include the fields of community development, family violence, working with disabilities, mental health social work, and other aspects.
  3. Workshops in relevant areas of interest, which may include case management, advocacy, programme evaluation and other areas.
  4. Participants would be expected to conduct a workshop to a local audience as part of a knowledge sharing experience. The workshop is to be related to the area of work that participants are involved or interested in.
  5. At the end of the learning experience, participants would also be required to deliver presentations with their local Singaporean counterparts on practical ideas to move social services forward in their relevant social contexts, both locally and internationally.

For Enquiry

Dr. Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund
“Regional Social Service Leaders Exchange Programme” Application Form

Application Criteria

  1. Applicants must be practicing social workers (ideally with formal social work education) or currently working in the social sector in their home countries
  2. At least 3 years of work experience in the sector
  3. Able to converse, read, and write effectively in English

Application Process
Applicants must submit the following items:

  1. Completed application form
  2. A cover letter of application addressed to the Social Service Leaders Exchange Programme Committee. The letter should contain a brief explanation of the applicant’s background, current area of work, and reasons for applying to this programme.
  3. Updated CV, academic degree certificates, relevant professional training certification
  4. Two letters of recommendations from employers or other persons with significant knowledge of the applicant in a professional capacity.

Selection Processs

  1. Closing Date of Application: 28th Feb 2017
  2. Selection will give priority to individuals who are in the best position to apply the skills and opportunities from the programme to their field.