Course Description

The Department offers Level 1000 - 4000 courses for our undergraduate students.

In the descriptions of courses given below, the workload for the courses is displayed in an A-B-C-D-E format where:
A – No. of lecture hours per week
B – No. of tutorial hours per week
C – No. of laboratory hours per week
D – No. of project/assignment hours per week
E – No. of hours for preparatory work per week

Pre-requisites indicate the base of knowledge on which the subject matter of a particular course will be built. Before taking a course, a student should complete any pre-requisite course(s) listed for that particular course. Where pre-requisites are specified, equivalent courses will also be accepted. If in doubt, students should consult the course instructor or academic advisors regarding acceptable equivalent courses.

Note: Not every course will be available in a semester.

List of courses offered in Semester 2 AY2024-2025

Japanese Language Courses

Japanese language courses are offered by the Centre for Language Studies and can be viewed in their Japanese language courses page.

Note for Cohort 2014 and after: Click here.