Course Description

The Department offers Level 1000 - 4000 courses for our undergraduate students.

In the descriptions of courses given below, the workload for the courses is displayed in an A-B-C-D-E format where:
A – No. of lecture hours per week
B – No. of tutorial hours per week
C – No. of laboratory hours per week
D – No. of project/assignment hours per week
E – No. of hours for preparatory work per week

Pre-requisites indicate the base of knowledge on which the subject matter of a particular course will be built. Before taking a course, a student should complete any pre-requisite course(s) listed for that particular course. Where pre-requisites are specified, equivalent courses will also be accepted. If in doubt, students should consult the course instructor or academic advisors regarding acceptable equivalent courses.

Note: Not every course will be available in a semester.

List of courses offered in AY2023-2024 Semester 2

Japanese Language Courses

Japanese language courses are offered by the Centre for Language Studies and can be viewed in their Japanese language courses page.

Note for Cohort 2014 and after: Click here.