
Books (since 2012)

2022. McMorran, C. Ryokan: Mobilizing Hospitality in Rural Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

2020. Kaplan, M., Thang, L.L., Sánchez, M., & Hoffman, J., eds. Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging. London and New York: Routledge.

2016. Takagi, T., Hosoda, Y., & Morita, E., eds. 会話分析の基礎 [Basics of Conversation Analysis]. Tokyo: Hituji Syobō.

2012. Shamoon, D. Passionate Friendship: The Aesthetics of Girls’ Culture in Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

2012. Mehta, K & Thang, L.L., eds. Experiencing Grandparenthood: An Asian Perspective. Netherlands: Springer.

2021. Amos, T. & Ishii, A., eds. Revisiting Japan’s Restoration: New Approaches to the Study of the Meiji Transformation. London and New York: Routledge.

2019. Yeung, W.J.J. & Thang, L.L., eds. Family and Population in Asia (家庭与人口). Singapore: Centre for Family and Population Research, NUS.

2016. Shamoon, D. & McMorran, C., eds. Teaching Japanese Popular Culture. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Asian Studies Publishers.

2012. Lim, B.C. Another Stage: Kanze Kojiro Nobumitsu and Late Muromachi Noh. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ East Asia Program.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (since 2014)

  • Forthcoming. McMorran, C. and W. Nathan Green. “Out of site, out of mind? Ethnographies of Japan, outside Japan,” in Teaching Japan: A Handbook. Gregory Poole and Ioannis Gaitanidis, eds., MHM Limited.
  • Forthcoming. Yuen, S.M. “Trans Voices from Japan—An Excerpt from Double Happiness,” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly.
  • 2023. Eaton, C. "Strategic Races: Understanding Racial Categories in Japanese-Occupied Singapore", Asian Ethnicity, 24:4, pp. 505-522.
  • 2023. McMorran, C. and W. Nathan Green. “Participant Observation,” in Key Methods in Geography, Fourth edition. Clifford, N., Cope, M., Gillespie, T., and French, S., eds. United Kingdom: Sage Publications, pp. 197-212.
  • 2023. Takagi, T. & Morita, E. "会話分析の方法論", in エスノメソドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック [EMCA : Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis]. Yamazaki K., Hama H., Komiya T., Tanaka H., Kawashima M., Ikeda K., Yamazaki A., Iketani N., eds. Tokyo: Shinyosha, pp. 149-159.
  • 2023. Thang, L.L., Yui, Y., Wakabayashi, Y., Miyazawa, H. "Promoting age-friendly community of support and care in Japan's aging neighborhood: The Nagayama model", Aging and Health Research, 3(1), 100111.
  • 2023. Thang, L.L. & Ho, Y.K.A. "Long-Term Eldercare Policy and Practices in Asia: The Case in Singapore." in Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-18.
  • 2023. Maulod, A., Lee, J.M.L., Lu, S.Y., Cheng, G.H.L., Chan, A., Thang, L.L. & Malhotra, R. "Mismatch Between Older Persons’ Generative Concern and Internalized Generative Capacities: Leveraging on Generative Ambivalence to Enhance Intergenerational Cohesion," Journal of Aging & Social Policy
  • 2022. Kalicki, K. "Fearful states: the migration-security nexus in Northeast Asia," The Pacific Review, 35(1), pp. 59-89.
  • 2022. Lim, B.C. & Iezzi, J.A. "Techno-Tradition: A Foray into Technology-Integrated Traditional Japanese Theatre," Japanese Studies, 42:2, pp. 155-174.
  • 2022. Conrad, H. & Meyer-Ohle, H. "Training regimes and diversity: experiences of young foreign employees in Japanese headquarters," Work, Employment and Society, 36(2), pp. 199-216.
  • 2022. Meyer-Ohle, H. "Working the shopping mall: Labour shortages and the dualities in Japan’s labour economy," Contemporary Japan, 34(1), pp. 42-57.
  • 2022. Takagi, T. & Morita, E. "問題性への思考を示すメタ相互行為的スタンス標識としての「まあ」 [Japanese maa as a meta-interactional stance marker displaying orientation to problematicity in interaction]," 社会言語科学 [The Japanese Journal of Language in Society], 24(2), pp. 67-82.
  • 2022. Morita, E. & Kim, K.-H.. "Revisiting grammatical particles from an interactional perspective: The case of the so-called ‘subject’ and ‘topic’ particles as pragmatic markers in Japanese and Korean: An introduction," Journal of Pragmatics, 188, pp. 31-38.
  • 2022. McMorran, C. “Learning on Pause? The Ambivalent and Conflicting Velocities of International Student Mobilities in Pandemic Times,” in International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific: Letters to Coronavirus. Cheng Yi’En, ed. Springer, pp. 145-159.
  • 2022. Ho, E. L.-E., Thang, L.L., Huang, S., & Yeoh, B. S. A. "(Re)constructing Ageing Futures: Insights from Migration in Asia and Beyond", American Behavioral Scientist, 66(14), pp. 1819–1827.
  • 2022. Ang, S., Thang, L.L. & Ho, E. L.-E. "Singaporean Women Living in China: The Uneven Burdens of Middle-class Transnational Caregiving," Asian Studies Review, 47:3, pp. 464-480.
  • 2022. Mehta, K.K. & Thang, L.L. "The Introduction of the Special Issue: Asian Perspectives on Active Aging: Meaning, Purpose and Hope", Social Sciences, 11(5), 190.
  • 2022. Thang, L.L. “Retirement Patterns,” in Encyclopedia of gerontology and population ageing. D. Gu, and M.E. Dupre, eds., Springer Reference, pp 4289–4294.
  • 2021. Hislop, S. "Haikai Time in Meiji Japan," in Revisiting Japan’s Restoration: New Approaches to the Study of the Meiji Transformation. Amos, T. & Ishii, A., eds. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-140.
  • 2021. Ishii, A. "Questioning Modernity: A Historiographical Sketch of the Meiji Enlightenment," in Revisiting Japan’s Restoration: New Approaches to the Study of the Meiji Transformation. Amos, T. & Ishii, A., eds. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 87-95.
  • 2021. Kalicki, K. "Toward Liberal Immigration Control: The Case of Japan," Asian Survey, 61(5), pp. 854–882.
  • 2021. Morita, E.. "Differentiating status through the use of material and interactive resources in young siblings’ interaction," Research on Children and Social Interaction , 5.2, pp. 179-210.
  • 2021. Morita, E.. "Shaping the perceptual field in interaction: The use and non-use of ga in the speech of very young Japanese children," Journal of Pragmatics, 181, pp. 270-289.
  • 2021. Searles, D. K., Betz, E., Clinkenbeard, M., Morita, E., Shrikant, N., and Tuccio, W. A. "Taking a detour before answering the question: Turn-initial okay in second position in English interaction," Language and Communication , 76, pp. 47-57.
  • 2021. Meyer-Ohle, H. “Business models, stakeholders and capabilities in coping with societal grand challenges: the case of Japan’s convenience stores,” Asian Business & Management, 20, pp. 465-487.
  • 2021. Shamoon, D. “Gazing on the Shōjo: Kawabata Yasunari’s Novels for Girls (Shōjo Shōsetsu),” Japanese Studies, 41(3), pp. 361-377.
  • 2021. Shamoon, D. “Class S: Appropriation of ‘Lesbian’ Subculture in Modern Japanese Literature and New Wave Cinema,” Cultural Studies, 35(1), pp. 27-43.
  • 2021. Chan, H.H. & Thang, L.L. "Active Aging through Later Life and Afterlife Planning: Shūkatsu in a Super-Aged Japan", Social Sciences, 11(1), 3.
  • 2021. Yui, Y., Miyazawa, H., Wakabayashi, Y. & Thang, L.L. "Regeneration of Housing Estates by the Community-Based Integrated Care Systems," in Community-Based Integrated Care and the Inclusive Society. Miyazawa, H., Hatakeyama, T., eds. Singapore: Springer, pp. 223-247.
  • 2021. Thang, L.L. & Toyota, M. "Japan-Southeast Asia engagements on the ground: Japanese women in Southeast Asia," in The courteous power: Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific era. J. D. Ciorciari & K. Tsutsui, eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 225–240.
  • 2021. Yuen, S.M. “From Marginality to Possibility: Doing Transgender Studies in Japanese Studies,” New Voices in Japanese Studies, 13, pp. 1-18.
  • 2020. Kalicki, K. "Trading Liberty: Assisted Repatriation in Liberal Democracies," Government and Opposition, 55(4), pp. 711-731.
  • 2020. McMorran, C. “How to finish: Writing in a stressful world,” in Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods. Nora Kottmann and Cornelia Reiher, eds. Baden Baden: Nomos, pp. 405-413.
  • 2020. Morita, E. & Takagi, T. "Interjectional use of demonstratives: Anoo and sonoo as resources for interaction in Japanese conversation," Journal of Pragmatics, 169, pp. 120-135.
  • 2020. Shamoon, D. “The Girl in the Whirlpool: Girls' Culture (Shōjo Bunka) in Tanizaki's Manji,” U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, 57, pp. 3-20.
  • 2020. Thang, L.L., Lim, E.Z.K., Kang, D.J.Y. & Lim, W.L. "“We Are Close Enough”: Closeness and Support from Siblings Among Divorced and Widowed Seniors in Singapore," in Brothers and Sisters: Sibling Relationships Across the Life Course. Buchanan, A., Rotkirch, A., eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 357–376.
  • 2020. Thang, L.L. & Engel, R. "Intergenerational Connections: Exploring New Ways to Connect", Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(4), pp. 377-378.
  • 2020. Thang, L.L. & Mehta, K.K. "Teach Me To Be Filial: Intergenerational Care in Singapore Families," in Beyond Filial Piety: Rethinking Aging and Caregiving in Contemporary East Asian Societies. Jeanne Shea, Katrina Moore, Hong Zhang, eds. Berghahn Books, pp. 142–165.
  • 2020. Sone, S. & Thang, L.L. "Staying Till the End?: Japanese Later-Life Migrants and Belonging in Western Australia", Japanese Studies, 40(1), pp. 41-62.
  • 2020. Li, Q., Kaplan, M. & Thang, L.L. "Intergenerational Programs and Practices in China: Results Based on a Web Search Method", Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(1), pp. 1-16.
  • 2020. Ho, E.Q-Y., Hong, S-I., Thang, L.L., Ong, P.H. and Koh, G.C-H. “Falls among Asians living in small apartments designed for older adults in Singapore,” Journal of Aging and Environment, 34(1), pp. 31-47.
  • 2020. Thang, L.L. "Intergenerational contact zones", in Age Inclusive Public Space, Hauderowicz, D. and Serena, K.L., eds. Germany: Hatje Cantz.
  • 2020. Yuen, S.M. “Cultural Citizenship.” Japanese Media and Popular Culture: An Open-Access Digital Initiative of the University of Tokyo.
  • 2020. Yuen, S.M. “Unqueer Queers—Drinking Parties and Negotiations of Cultural Citizenship by Female-to-Male Transpeople in Japan,” Asian Anthropology, 19(2), pp. 86-101.
  • 2019. Kalicki, K.. "Security Fears and Bureaucratic Rivalry: Admitting Foreign Labor in Japan and Taiwan," Comparative Politics, 51(4), pp. 603-624.
  • 2019. Kalicki, K.. "Japan’s Liberal-Democratic Paradox of Refugee Admission," Journal of Asian Studies, 78(2), pp. 355-378.
  • 2019. McMorran, C. and Ragupathi, K. “The promise and pitfalls of gradeless learning: responses to an alternative approach to grading,” Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(7), pp. 925-938.
  • 2019. Conrad, H. & Meyer-Ohle, H. “Japanese Multinational Companies and the Control of Overseas Investments—Expatriates, Foreign Employees, and Japan’s Soft Power,” in Mobilities of Labour and Capital in Asia. Preet S. Aulakh and Philip F. Kelly, eds., Cambridge University Press, pp. 48-71.
  • 2019. Morita, E.. "Japanese two-year-olds’ spontaneous participation in storytelling activities as social interaction," Research on Children and Social Interaction, 3(1-2), pp. 65-91.
  • 2019. Hiramoto, T., Takagi, T., Hosoda, Y., Morita, E., Hayashi, M., Masuda, M., Jou, A., & Nishizaka, A. "会話分析をどう学ぶか [How to learn Conversation Analysis]," 社会言語科学 [The Japanese Journal of Language in Society], 21(2), pp. 98-103.
  • 2019. Conrad, H. & Meyer-Ohle, H. “Overcoming the Ethnocentric Firm? – Foreign Fresh University Graduate Employment in Japan as a New International Human Resource Development Method,” The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(17), pp. 2525-2543.
  • 2019. Lim, C.C.L., Low, C.L.T., Hia, S.B., Thang, L.L. and Thian, A.L. “Generativity: Establishing and Nurturing the Next Generation,” Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 17(3), pp. 368-379.
  • 2019. Thang, L.L., Lim, E. and Tan, S.L. “Lifelong learning and productive aging among the baby-boomers in Singapore,” Social Science and Medicine, 229, pp. 41-49.
  • 2019. Thang, L.L. “Socio-cultural aspects: Family and filial support,” in Ageing in Asia Contemporary trends and policy issues. K.H. Phua, L.G. Goh and M. T. Yap, eds., Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 177–202.
  • 2018. McMorran, C. “Liberating Work in the Tourist Industry,” in Rethinking Japanese Feminisms, Julia Bullock, Ayako Kano, and James Welker, eds., Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press, pp. 119-130.
  • 2018. Morita, E. and Takagi, T. "Marking “commitment to undertaking of the task at hand”: Initiating responses with eeto in Japanese conversation," Journal of Pragmatics, 124, pp. 31-49.
  • 2018. Morita, E. “Sentence final particles,” in Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. Hasegawa, Y., ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 587-607.
  • 2018. Morita, E. “The Interactiveness of ‘unilateral activity’ in child’s play,” in Co-operative Engagements in Interwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin. Favareau, Donald, ed., Tartu, Estonia: University of Tartu Press, pp. 326-334.
  • 2018. Conrad, H. & Meyer-Ohle, H. “Transnationalization of a Recruitment Regime - Skilled Migration to Japan,” International Migration, 57(3), pp. 250-265.
  • 2018. Meyer-Ohle, H. “Post-Bubble Department Stores,” in Consuming Life in Post-Bubble Japan - A Transdisciplinary Perspective. Katarzyna J. Cwiertka and Ewa Machotka, eds., Amsterdam University Press, pp. 31-48.
  • 2018. Conrad, H. & Meyer-Ohle, H. “Brokers and the Organization of Recruitment of ‘Global Talent’ by Japanese Firms — A Migration Perspective,” Social Science Japan Journal, 21(9), pp. 67-88.
  • 2018. Shamoon, D. “The Beautiful Men of the Inner Chamber: Gender-Bending, Boys’ Love and Other Shōjo Manga Tropes in Ōoku,” in Introducing Japanese Popular Culture. Alisa Freedman and Toby Slade, eds., Routledge, pp. 287-299.
  • 2018. Shamoon, D. “Fire! Mizuno Hideko and the Development of 1960s Shōjo Manga,” in Routledge Handbook of Japanese Media. Darling-Wolf, F., ed., London and New York: Routledge, pp. 69-85.
  • 2018. Suen, J. and Thang, L.L. “Contextual challenges and the mosaic of support: Understanding the vulnerabilities of low-Income informal caregivers of dependent elders in Singapore,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 33(2), pp. 163-181.
  • 2018. Thang, L.L. and Suen, J. “Growing old in Singapore: Workings of the Many Helping Hands policy approach,” in Ageing in Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives. T.R. Klassen, M. Higo, N. S. Dhirathiti and T.W. Devasahayam, eds., Routledge.
  • 2018. Thang, L.L. and Suen, J. “Policy approaches to aging in Singapore: Tackling the limits of the family in supporting seniors,” in Family and Population Change in Singapore: A unique case in the global family change. W.J.J. Yeung and S. Hu, eds., London: Routledge.
  • 2018. Thang, L.L. “What if the family is no longer the fundamental building block of society?,” in Singapore Perspectives 2017: What if? G. Koh and D. Soon, eds., Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies and World Scientific.
  • 2018. Yuen, S.M. “Mediated masculinities—Negotiating the ‘normal’ in the Japanese Female-to-Male trans magazine Laph,” in Routledge Handbook of Japanese Media, Fabienne Darling-Wolf, ed., London and New York: Routledge, pp. 180-199.
  • 2017. Lim, B.C. “What is there to laugh about? University of Laughs as an anti-war film comedy,” in Chinese and Japanese Films on the Second World War. King-fai Tam, Timothy Y. Tsu and Sandra Wilson, eds., Routledge, pp. 151-161.
  • 2017. McMorran, C. “From Volunteers to Voluntours: shifting priorities in post-disaster Japan,” Japan Forum, 29(4), pp. 558-582.
  • 2017. McMorran, C., Ragupathi, K. and Luo S. “Assessment and Learning without Grades? Motivations and Concerns with Implementing Gradeless Learning in Higher Education,” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(3), pp. 361-377.
  • 2017. Morita, E. "相互行為詞:行為と行為の間における相互行為の秩序の交渉を捉える [Interactional Particles]," 日本語学 [Nihongogaku], 36 (4), pp. 152-163.
  • 2017. Kikuchi, K., Meyer-Ohle, H. & Nishi, T. “シンガポールの流通と日系百貨 (Singapore Distribution and Japanese Department Stores),” in 日系小売企業のアジア展開 (The Development of Japanese Retailers in Asia). 柳 純 (Yanagi, Jun), 鳥羽 達郎 (Toba, Tastsuro), eds., Chuo Keizaisha, pp. 161-176.
  • 2017. Toyota, M. and Thang, L.L. “Transnational retirement mobility as processes of identity negotiation: the case of Japanese in South-east Asia,” Identities, 24(5), pp.557-572.
  • 2017. Mehta, K. and Thang, L.L. “Experiences of formal and informal caregivers of older persons in Singapore,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 32(3), pp. 373-385.
  • 2017. Thang, L.L. “Promoting intergenerational connection and the creation of intergenerational contact zone (ICZ),” in Future of the Intergenerational Exchange as the World Standard: The theory and practices of intergenerational learning (Series 2). A. Kusano, K. Mazobe, H. Uchida and M. Yasunaga, eds., Otsu, Japan: Sangaku Publisher.
  • 2017. Thang, L.L. “Developing Japanese Studies with a Southeast Asia perspectives,” in Rethinking Japanese Studies: Eurocentrism and the Asia-Pacific Region. K. Okano and Y. Sugimoto, eds., Routledge.
  • 2016. McMorran, C. “Unthinking the Nation-State as Area: interrogating Japan and Japanese studies,” Environment & Planning D: Society and Space, 34(5), pp. 815-821.
  • 2016. McMorran, C. “Author meets critics: learning through scholarly conversation,” Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(1), pp. 8-26.
  • 2016. Burdelski, M. & Morita, E. “Young children’s initial assessment in Japanese,” in Children & Conversation Analysis: Knowledge Production in Everyday Interaction. Amanda Bateman & Amelia Church, eds., Springer, pp. 231-255.
  • 2016 Morita, E. "会話のはじめの一歩:子供における相互行為詞「よ」の使用 [First steps in conversation: Children’s use of the interactional particle ‘yo’]," in 子育ての会話分析:大人と子供の責任はどう育つか [Conversation analysis of child care: How adults’ and children’s “responsibility” develops]. Takada, A, Shimada, Y, and Kawashima M., eds. Kyoto: Showado, pp. 145-170.
  • 2016. Meyer-Ohle, H. “Consumer Goods Distribution and Logistics in Japan,” in Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management. Parissa Haghiran, ed., Routledge, pp. 340-349.
  • 2016. Thang, L.L. and Hong, S. “Ageing-in-place in studio apartments in Singapore: Maintaining independence in community living.” Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 25(4), pp. 250-263.
  • 2016. Thang, L.L. “What Do Grandfathers Value? Understanding Grandfatherhood in Asia Through Chinese Grandfathers in Singapore,” in Grandfathers: Global Perspectives. Buchanan, A. and Rotkirch, A., eds., Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • 2016. Kim, H. J. and Thang, L.L. “Regional Mobility from East Asia to Southeast Asia: The Case of Education and Retirement Migration,” in Advancing The Regional Commons in The New East Asia. Wajjwalku, S., Ho, K.C. and Yoshida, O., eds., London: Routledge.
  • 2015. McMorran, C. "Between fan pilgrimage and dark tourism: competing agendas in overseas field learning," Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 39(4), pp. 568-583.
  • 2015. McMorran, C. “Mobilities amid the Production of Fixities: Labor in a Japanese Inn,” Mobilities, 10(1), pp. 83-99. Reprinted in Mobilities: Critical Concepts in Built Environment, Ole B. Jensen, ed., London: Routledge.
  • 2015. Morita, E. "“Say [x]”: A device for securing for conversational footing in the talk of young children," Discourse Processes, 52(4), pp. 290-310.
  • 2015. Morita, E. "Japanese interactional particles as a resource for stance building," Journal of Pragmatics, 83, pp. 91-103.
  • 2015. Takagi, T. & Morita, E. "「ええと」によって開始される応答 ["Eeto"-prefaced responses in Japanese conversation]," 社会言語科学 [The Japanese Journal of Language in Society], 18(1), pp. 93-110.
  • 2015. Shamoon, D. "Japanese Masquerade in Bean Cake and ‘The Red Bridal,’ Short Film Studies, 5(2), pp. 203-206.
  • 2015. Shamoon, D. "The Superflat Space of Japanese Anime," in Asian Cinema and the Use of Space: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Edna Lim and Lilian Chee, eds., Routledge Advances in Film Studies, vol. 36., New York: Routledge, pp. 93-108.
  • 2015. Thang, L.L. “Social networks and the wellbeing of older adults in Singapore,” in Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives. S. Cheng, I. Chi, H. H. Fung, L. W. Li, and J. Woo, eds., Netherlands: Springer.
  • 2015. Thang, L.L. “Creating an intergenerational contact zone: encounters in public spaces within Singapore’s public housing neighbourhoods,” in Intergenerational Space. R.M. Vanderbeck and N. Worth, eds., London: Routledge.
  • 2015. Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M. “Making 'traditional' families in transnational settings: Japanese women in Balinese-Japanese marriages,” in Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta, eds., London: Routledge.
  • 2015. Sone, S. and Thang, L.L. “Transnational Japanese women and family space in Western Australia,” in Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta, eds., London: Routledge.
  • 2014. McMorran, C. "How 'Green' is Japan? Studying Environmental Issues in the Field," Education About Asia, 19(1), pp. 18-21.
  • 2014. McMorran, C. “A Landscape of ‘Undesigned Design’ in Rural Japan,” Landscape Journal, 33(1), pp. 1-15.
  • 2014. Meyer-Ohle, H. “Japanese retailers in Southeast Asia: strong local partners, shopping malls, and aiming for comprehensive internationalization,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24(5), pp. 500-515.
  • 2014. Shamoon, D. "Recreating Traditional Music in Postwar Japan: A Prehistory of Enka,” Japan Forum, 26(1), pp. 113-138.
  • 2014. Thang, L.L. "An "active ageing" approach to living alone: Older men and women living in rental flats in Singapore," in Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives. T.W. Devasahayam, ed., Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • 2014. Thang, L.L. “Living independently, living well: Seniors living in housing and development board studio apartments in Singapore,” Senri Ethnological Studies, 87, pp. 39-56. (Special Issue: The Anthropology of care and education for life, edited by N. Suzuki)
  • 2014. Thang, L.L. and Tan, E.S. “Bonding of the Generations: Promoting family values and intergenerational solidarity in Singapore,” in Family Futures. London: Tudor Rose.
  • 2014. Thang, L.L., Lee S.J. and Kee Y.W. “Community Bonding and Community Wellbeing: Perspectives from a Community Development Council in Singapore,” in Community Well-Being and Community Development Conceptions and Applications. S.J. Lee, Y. Kim and R. Phillips, eds., Springer.