Alumni Testimonials

Deng Weizhong, Class of 2009


"I had no second thoughts about majoring in Japanese Studies as I have been passionate about the Japanese language and phonetics since young. Over the years, my understanding of the Japanese society, geography and culture, on top of language skills, has proved invaluable in my Japan-related undertakings. My background in Japanese Studies played a role in realising a number of travel photography assignments for the past few years from the Kagoshima Prefectural Government. I also had an upper hand when organising boutique tours and photography workshops with fellow alumni Kennard Xu. Being able to communicate effectively with the locals, while taking social norms and etiquette into consideration, helped tremendously with planning and logistics. These factors, together with the ability to value-add through sharing meaningful and adequate knowledge of Japan, all contribute to a more immersive and comprehensive experience for our tour participants.”

Carolyn Pang, Class of 2006 (B.A. Hons) and Class of 2010 (M.A.)

Ph.D. candidate, Columbia University & Research Associate at Bukkyo University, Kyoto

“My days in JS were filled with adventures of all kinds. I participated in the summer language and study exchange programs where I interacted in Japanese with international students and dived into various cultural activities such as tea ceremony, ikebana, and kimono dressing. I learnt shamisen and how to survive earthquakes and typhoons, binged on food at matsuri festivals, visited many Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, climbed Mount Fuji, cheered at sumo tournaments and baseball matches, and fell in love with noh performances and Japanese gagaku court music. You can say that my continued fascination with the diversity and complexities of Japanese culture throughout this past decade was nurtured by my JS experience. I am currently in Japan doing my dissertation research on the Izanagi-ryū, a folk religion that is still practiced in contemporary Kōchi, Shikoku. Some friends thought I was insane to be moving to a rural mountainous locale with limited public transport access, but my fieldwork allows me the invaluable opportunity to interact with local communities and to conduct first-hand observations and recording of important ritual performances, most of which are dying out due to the lack of ritual practitioners and rapid depopulation of the region.”

Xu Yuan Shao Kennard, Class of 2008

Business Consultant / ASEAN Regional Director, Kagoshima Pref. Govt.

“My interest in Japan stems from having grown up with Japanese pop culture. Knowing that passion for the subject of study is crucial in university education, I chose to major in Japanese studies, and went for multiple exchange studies to western Japan, where I had the opportunity to interact with locals and other foreign exchange students. This helped to broaden my horizon and become better connected in a globalised world. I joined the JET Programme in 2010 and worked with the Kagoshima Prefectural Government for almost six years before returning to Singapore in 2016 to start my own business, where I am also appointed as the ASEAN Regional Director for the Kagoshima Prefectural Government, to assist them in the promotion of Kagoshima tourism and products in southeast Asia. In December 2019, together with my course mate and fellow JS alumnus Weizhong, we curated a bespoke tour programme to Kagoshima. With the onslaught of COVID-19, the travel and F&B industries have been greatly affected. Seeing a rising demand for food delivery due to work-from-home arrangements, my wife and I started a home-based business serving authentic Japanese bento since January 2021. My work stint thus far has been fully related to Japan and it is definitely due to my background as a Japanese Studies major. I feel that the relatively deeper understanding of Japan puts us JS majors at an advantage over learners of Japanese language.”

Clarence Lee, Class of 2010

PhD Candidate, Cornell University

“I am currently completing my PhD dissertation on Mid-Tokugawa philosophy/medicine/literature. Japanese studies provided me with a different lens to view the world around us. It made me more conscious of all the presumptions and structures with which we approach our everyday lives with. Being a JS major was definitely an eye-opening experience. Hanging out with my honours batch after classes were definitely the most cherished memories I have of my days in JS; we had so much fun either in the library (pretending to be nerdy) or simply having meals at The Deck. Thankfully, I am still able to enjoy their wonderful friendship even now, even as each of us move towards different goals in life.”

Tong Teck Guan, Class of 2006

Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) on the JET programme

“I grew up reading translated Japanese manga and playing console games like Nintendo, Sega Genesis etc. As I grew older, I became interested in the Japanese language. So when I entered NUS, I saw an opportunity to pursue my understanding of Japan and her language. I went to Waseda University on a 1 year exchange during my time in NUS and did a one-year homestay with Usui-san and his lovely family. To this day, I remember my host family's kindness and my Otosan's smile as we sat around the dinner table, chatting and having dinner together. Wanting to experience life in Japan more, I finally joined the JET programme after teaching Economics in a local Junior College for a few years. I am currently in my 3rd year on the JET programme in Kumamoto City.”

Maimunah Binte Nokman, Class of 2014

Marketing Executive, Amuse Entertainment Singapore

“I am currently a Marketing Executive for Amuse Entertainment Singapore, an overseas subsidiary of the Amuse Group in Japan. I started out as a consumer of Japanese pop culture and now, I am part of it by arranging media interviews, organizing concerts and fan meetings for my artistes when they come to Singapore and the region. I never thought I would be able to put all the Japanese variety shows, live comedy shows and drama I analysed for my final paper to be put to use and it really helps me to engage both my artistes and audience. My fondest memory of being a JS major was definitely the time I spent in Yamagata. I went for student exchange at a prefecture so ulu, even my Japanese friends have not been there! I got to learn about the northern dialect and even do manzai for the first time! I am grateful to my professors in JS who encouraged me to take up this amazing opportunity.”

Elysia Toh Yiling, Class of 2007

Senior Project Manager of a Marketing Research / Computer Software company

“I was interested in Japanese pop culture and language during my pre-university years, so it was a natural decision to major in Japanese Studies when I entered NUS. My most memorable experience as a JS major was my one-year exchange at Waseda University from 2005 to 2006. It was surreal to be living in my favourite city which I have only known from Japanese dramas, so much that I even enjoyed the daily commuting with the peak hour crowds! After graduation, I worked with a Japanese organisation in Singapore for 3 years as a coordinator between Japanese and South East Asian local government officers, which really puts my JS experience to practical use, acting. Since 2010, I moved to Tokyo so as to relive and deepen my experiences from where I left in my year of student exchange. I'm also in the process of achieving my dream of travelling to all 47 prefectures!”