Modules Offered

These Freshman Seminar modules are offered in AY2021/2022.
- The Freshman Seminar modules are included in the limit of 32 MCs of level-1000 FASS modules.
- The Freshman Seminar modules will count towards FASS' Unrestricted Elective requirement.
- The Freshman Seminar modules are 100% Continuous Assessment (CA) based.
- The Freshman Seminar modules will be graded (letter grade) and will count toward the student's Cumulative Average Points (CAP). FASS students (up to Cohort 2013) will not be allowed to exercise the S/U option on modules that are offered by FASS.
- FASS students from Cohort 2014 are able to exercise the S/U option for freshman seminars because of the new gradeless policy.
SEMESTER 1, AY2021/2022 |
Freshman Seminar Code / Title | Schedule |
SEMESTER 2, AY2021/2022 |
Freshman Seminar Code / Title | Schedule |
The information on this page may be subject to changes without prior notice.
Last updated: 12 July 2021.