About the Office of Programmes


The Office of Programmes at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences was set up in July 2001 to offer multi-disciplinary, cross-departmental programmes, and to facilitate the introduction of innovative programmes of study.

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences serves a large number of students, both within the Faculty and from other Faculties/Schools. Together with the Faculty's three Divisions - Asian Studies, Humanities, and Social Sciences - and the Centre for Language Studies, the Office of Programmes aims to provide quality education for the development of well-rounded graduates who will be adept at meeting the challenges of an increasingly borderless world and creating value in the new knowledge economy.


Undergraduate Freshman Seminar
American Studies
Multidisciplinary Programmes
Undergraduate Minor in China Studies
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Health and Social Sciences
Minor in Religious Studies
Minor in Science, Technology and Society (STS)
Societal Engagement & Social Learning (SESL)
Undergraduate GEK1052 Community Service & Social Action (Not offered with effect from Semester 2, AY2015-2016 onwards.)


Each of these cross-departmental programmes will have its own academic convenor and/or curricular committee to oversee standards and chart development. Cross-departmental programme modules will be offered by a host department and cross-listed as a programme module.

The Office of Programmes will be at the fore-front of new cross-disciplinary areas of study that are emerging, with the introduction of exciting multi-disciplinary programmes for students in the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.