American Studies

In an era of globalization, which is often seen as synonymous with Americanization, a programme of American Studies, with particular emphasis on the United States of America, equips students with the breadth of knowledge and critical frame of mind to understand both what constitutes America and American identity, and the extent of America’s influence on the world.
The courses on offer emphasize inter-disciplinary and comparative approaches to the study of American society and culture. Courses examine U.S. history, politics, law, business and economics, and various areas of cultural production, such as literature, film, and drama.
While the NUS does not currently offer a major in American Studies, courses are open to students from all disciplines as electives. Currently courses are cross-listed from the English Language and Literature and History Departments under the auspices of the Office of Programmes.
There is an American Studies Book Prize Award, awarded to the best essay in a given academic year.
Assoc Prof Joey Long