

Current Events

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Sociology & Anthropology Seminar Series 2024

Cultivating Landlessness in Brazil: Temporalities of transformation in the Landless Workers Movement

29th August 2024 | 3PM SGT
Department Seminar Room AS1 #02-12

Alex Ungprateeb Flynn is Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Alex’s research explores social movements and the prefigurative potential of artistic practice, prompting the theorization of the production of knowledge, temporality and utopia, and social and aesthetic dimensions of form. He is the co-author of "Taking Form, Making Worlds” (University of Texas Press, 2022) and "Pathways to Utopia: Time and Transformation in the Landless Workers Movement of Brazil” (forthcoming with Indiana University Press).

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Sociology & Anthropology Seminar Series 2024

The Map in the Machine and the Global Transformation of the Auto Industry

4th September 2024 | 4PM SGT
Sociology Seminar Room AS1 #02-12

Luis Felipe Alvarez León is Associate Professor of Geography at Dartmouth College. His work focuses on the political economy of geospatial data, media, and technologies. Among other projects, he is currently researching the geographies of electric and autonomous vehicles, and the changing political economy of the new satellite ecosystem. He is the author of The Map in the Machine: Charting the Spatial Architecture of Digital Capitalism (University of California Press, 2024).

Past Events

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Sociology & Anthropology Seminar Series 2024

Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam

15th August 2024 | 3PM SGT
Sociology Seminar Room AS1 #02-12

Minh T.N. Nguyen is Professor of Social Anthropology at Bielefeld University. Her research focuses on labour and work, care and welfare, migration and mobility in Vietnam, China and Southeast Asia and more generally in the Global South. She is the author of Vietnam’s Socialist Servants: Domesticity, Gender, Class and Identity (Routledge, 2014) and Waste and Wealth: An Ethnography of Labour, Value and Morality in a Vietnamese Recycling Economy (Oxford University Press, 2018). Her works are also published by journals such as American Ethnologist, Development and Change, Economy and Society, Economic Anthropology, and HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory

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Anthropology Masterclass

Anthropology – and why the world needs more of it

Dr Tom-Ozden-Schilling is a Presidential Young Professor with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.  His research includes the study of technology and expertise, for example, in the context of environmental conflicts and venture capitalism.  His teaching includes anthropological theories and issues in science and technology.

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Sociology Masterclass

Putting Sociology to work

Dr Emily Chua is an anthropologist working at the intersections of digital technology, media, capital and authoritarian state politics in Singapore and China. She has written ethnographies of newsmaking in the ‘post-truth’ contemporary, election rallies as ‘post-political’ performances, and most recently, the way our remakings of economics, finance and money are in turn remaking us.

Group 170

Socio X Anthro-Duction - a Taster Class for Students by Students Karimi Zara Nayab Ahmed (Sociology, 2023) & Lok Yee Ling (Sociology, 2023)

Come immerse yourself in a fun and interactive Sociology & Anthropology class. Better still, as it is a class run by students, for students like you! Zara Ahmed and Lok Yee Ling are graduating this year – but not before sharing their passion for Sociology and Anthropology. Get a taste of what they have learnt – and feel so passionate about. Hear their experiences as students. Who knows what tips you might take away from this one of a kind Soci X Anthro-Duction.