Li Nanxun

Ph. D. (Sociology)

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Research Interest:   Father involvement, Family social policy, Family relationships, Early children's development, Gender inequality

I'm a PhD student in Sociology and affiliated to the Center for Family and Population Research (CFPR). I'm from Hebei, China, and obtained B.A. and M.A. degrees in Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies and Social Policy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining NUS, I had 2 years' working experience as a Research Assistant at Department of Social Work, CUHK.

My doctoral thesis is based on the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS). I’m trying to understand fathers’ role in shaping family cohesion and preschool children’s development using quantitative methodology.


Work Experience:

Research Assistant, Department of Social Work, CUHK (2 years' prior to joining NUS)

Previous Degrees:

Bachelor's of Arts (B.A.) in Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Master's of Arts (M.A.) in Social Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Contact Info
Email ID:


  1. Dai, H., Jung, N., Li, N. (Accepted). Business Structures, Stereotypes and Knowledge of Discrimination: Understanding Employers’ Support to Paid Family Leave in Hong Kong. Social Policy and Society.
  2. Dai, H., Jung, N., Li, N., & Hu, M. (Accepted). Market merits and family virtues: Family caregivers in the labor market of Hong Kong. The China Review.