Announcing an exciting new major in Anthropology!

Students joining NUS in the new academic year, starting August 2022, will be the first to be offered the option of Anthropology as their major.

A degree in Anthropology is much sought after for the sort of training it offers its students – a ground up approach to developing deep understanding on just about every aspect of the human condition. The tools it offers, and the sensibilities it engenders, help us interpret and make sense of human societies, from the mundaneness of everyday life to the entanglements of technology, migration, and other global systems.

Anthropology is the one discipline that can truly claim to take people seriously. It is the study of the diverse ways of being human.

If a concern for humans and human societies resonates with you, then you would seriously want to consider Anthropology.

Note: As Anthropology is a new major, the major declaration for Anthropology will be available after students have matriculated, and not at the point of admission.

Want to find out more?

Check out CHS Open House 2022 for more details!

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"Taking up the designation of Head of Department is for me both a privilege and a gratifying undertaking. This is a department from which I took my first degrees in Sociology, though our in-house expertise comprises more than a singular discipline. Beyond the name of the department that reads as ‘Department of Sociology’, we are a strong cast of academics and educators with research and pedagogical expertise in Sociology, Anthropology, and Demography. As one of the largest Sociology departments in the world today, our faculty members’ varied research domains traverse across the different parts of Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and West Asia."

Sociology in the News!

Member of Parliament Mr Louis Ng recently highlighted a study conducted by our colleague Prof Jean Yeung and PhD student Li Nanxun, which examines the relationship between paternal leave and the development of behavioural issues in their children.

 To learn more, visit https://mothership.sg/2022/03/louis-ng-paternity-leave-childcare-sick-leave/


Veronica L. Gregorio Named Sociologist of the Month by Current Sociology

The NUS Department of Sociology would like to congratulate Veronica L. Gregorio on her feature as Sociologist of the Month on Current Sociology.

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