Hu junhan

Ph.D. (Anthropology)


Research Interest: indigenous environmental politics; more-than-human; religion and ecology; conservation and tourism; Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau

I am a first-year PhD student in Anthropology at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore. I completed my Master’s study in environmental anthropology at Yale University. I love trail running, mixed martial arts, and poetry.


My research focuses on people’s ways of knowing the environment in political and ecological uncertainties. In my PhD study, I plan to examine 1) how the bodily experience in outdoor adventure shapes the relationship between indigenous tour guides and the environment, and 2) how tourists make sense of the landscape with indigenous people’s cultural and political representation. Some of my past research projects examine: the unity and diversity of Tibetan culture in contemporary Buddhist environmentalists’ discourses; the common pattern of indigenous climate knowledge in Tibetan Plateau and Yunnan Forest; the changes of multispecies relations and people’s attentiveness to the environment in nature conservation.


• Hu Junhan. (2024). Meta-sign and Mind: Thinking with Sheep to Understand Social and Environmental Change in the Ganjia Grassland of Tibetan Plateau.Nature and Culture. (Submitted)
• Hu Junhan, Gao Yufang, Wei Yiran, & Sang Jie. (2023). Practicing Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Anthropocene: Case Studies of Ganjia Grassland. Science (Shanghai), 75(03), 30-34.
• Hu Junhan, Sang Jie, & Gao Yufang. (2021). Ganjia Grassland, Gansu Province: Nature- and CommunityBased Grassland Ecological Governance. Science (Shanghai), 73(05), 16-21.
• Gao Yufang, Hu Junhan, & Dangzhou Zhaxi. (2020). Ecological Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Attempts and Reflections of Local People in Three-Rivers-Source. China Environment, 77(12), 50-53.
• Gao Yufang, Hu Junhan, & Chen Yufei. (2020). Status and Suggestions for the Development of Local Environmental NGOs in Three-Rivers-Source. China Environment, 71(06), 55-58.
• Gao Yufang, Hu Junhan, & Li Tianti. (2020). Wild Animal Conservation Requires Broader Public Participation. China Environment, 68(03), 32–35.


Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu, China
BA in Ecology
• Relevant Coursework: GIS (92), Evolutionary Ecology (94), Field Practice in Ecology (100) • Undergraduate Thesis: Cryptic biodiversity on the Tibetan Plateau: Integrated DNA barcoding technology and morphology methods used in soil fauna species identification. (Advisor: Dr. Daoyuan Yu) • Honors and Awards: Won Progress Scholarship in 2019 and 2020.

Yale University, Connecticut, U.S.
Candidate for Master of Environmental Science, 2022-2024
• Focus: environmental anthropology, political ecology, conservation science • Relevant Coursework: Elementary Modern Tibetan I & II (H), Qualitative Social Science Research Methods (H), Power, Knowledge, and the Environment (H), Biopolitics of Human-nonhuman Relations (H), Strategy and Grand Strategy in Large Scale Conservation (H), Sociology of Sacred Values (H), Climate and Society (In progress), Meaning and Materiality (In progress) • Master’s Thesis: Human-nature relationships and coexistence from the indigenous perspective: Nomadic ways of life, grassroots conservation, and eco-tourism on the Tibetan Plateau (Advisor: Dr. Michael Dove) • Honors and Awards: Won research funding of $19,950 from five fellowships and grants: YSE Dean’s Scholarship, Yale Environmental Humanities Grant Program, Firebird Foundation Research Grants, RITM Research and Conference Travel Award, Mobley Family Environmental Humanities Grants.

Teaching Experience:

August 2022 - present
Yale University
Teaching Fellow

• Served as the Teaching Fellow for three graduate courses: ENV 759 Power, Knowledge, and the Environment: Social Science Theory and Method, by Dr. Michael Dove; ENV 685 Engaging Landholders and Communities in Conserving and Restoring Tropical Forest Landscapes, by Dr. Eva Garen; ENV 619 Philosophical Environmental Ethics, by Dr. Stephan Latham. • Led student discussions and answered reading-related questions, gave feedback and grades for student assignments, selected course materials with Professors, and provided administrative support in class.

April 2019 - June 2021 (Online)
Interdisciplinary Conservation Group
on Group Online R

• Cultivated 20 conservation talents of diverse ages by organizing sessions twice with conservationists. • Promoted environmental storytelling by publishing a report of local conservationists in Ideal Homeland Magazine.

Contact Info
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