Jinhan Liu

Ph.D. (Sociology)


Research Interest: Homeownership, Family Formation, Youth, Education, China

I am a Sociology Ph.D student affiliated to the Center for Family and Population Research at NUS. My research interests include social stratification and mobility, family and marriage, and sociology of education. Currently I am interested in homeownership and family formation among youths in contemporary China. Before joining NUS, I obtained my bachelor and master's degree in Sociology at Tsinghua University.

My research project focuses on the homeownership and family formation among Chinese youths. I wish to explore the impact of micro- and macro-level factors on young people's transition to adulthood in contemporary China, especially how individual education, family background and housing circumstances influence their family formation behaviours.

Contact Info:
Email ID: jinhanliu@u.nus.edu

Previous Degrees:

Bachelor's Degree in Sociology, Tsinghua University
Master's Degree in Sociology, Tsinghua University