Nursarah Bte Suprat
M.Soc.Sci (Sociology)

Research Interest: Gender; Health Inequalities; Obesity; Life Course; Sociology of the Body
Sarah recently graduated with a Bachelors in Social Sciences here at the Department of Sociology in NUS. Beginning with fascination and subsequent study of the silences of Malay women, she is now expanding on the lived realities of overweight and obesity in Singapore. When she’s not busy traveling, she’s always at the nearest coffee place.
My research focuses on the nexus between individual experiences of identity namely gender, wealth and ethnic (dis)advantages, and the human body. More specifically, my Master’s thesis will primarily adopt a life course approach in exploring the diverging manifestations of social disadvantage as one of the causal factors for obesity; with the experience of stress as a prominent mechanism.
Teaching Experience:
- Class Tutoring : SC3227 - Modernity and Social Change (AY 2022/23 Semester 1)
Contact Info
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