Vincent Chua

Vincent Chua



I received my PhD in Sociology at the University of Toronto in November 2010. My main research area is social networks with an emphasis on social capital – primarily how institutional factors such as labour markets and education affect the job search and networking practices of people. My other research area is the sociology of education.


Personal Communities; Social Capital and Inequality; Education


  • Chua, Vincent and Bonnie H. Erickson. Forthcoming. “Social Networks and Associations.” Palgrave Research Handbook of Volunteering and Non-profit Associations.
  • Chua, Vincent and Barry Wellman. Forthcoming. “Social Networks in East and Southeast Asia 1: National Characteristics, Institutions, Network Capital and Guanxi.” American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Chua, Vincent and Barry Wellman. Forthcoming. “Social Networks in East and Southeast Asia 2: Labor Migration, Opportunity, Social Media, and Well-Being.” American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Wang, Helen, Vincent Chua, and Michael Stefanone. Forthcoming. “Social Ties, Communication Channels, and Well Being: A Study of the Networked Lives of College Students in Singapore.” American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Chua, Vincent. Forthcoming. “How Do Singaporeans Connect? Ties among Chinese, Malays and Indians” American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Chua, Vincent and Irene Y.H. Ng. 2015. “Unequal Returns to Social Capital: The Study of Malays in Singapore Through a Network Lens.” Asian Ethnicity –
  • Chua, Vincent. 2015, “Do Raffles Boys ‘Rule’ and Anglo-Chinese Boys ‘Own’ Singapore? Analysing School-To-Work Correspondences in an Elite Developmental State.” International Studies in Sociology of Education 25(1): 1-19.
  • Koh, Gillian, Tan, Ern Ser, Chua, Vincent. 2014. “A Study on Social Capital in Singapore (Phase 1): Concepts, Framework and a Proposal.” Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2014. “The Network Imperative.” In Johnny Sung (Ed.) Skills Strategies for Inclusive Society. Pp. 103-120. Singapore: Institute of Adult Learning.
  • Chua, Vincent and Tan, Teresa. 2014. “Personal Networks: The Intertwining of Ties, Internet and Geography.” In Jon Rokne and Reda Alhajj (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer.
  • Chua, Vincent and Tan, Ern Ser. 2014. “Standardized Measures: Happy Life Inventory.” In Alex Michalos (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research.Springer.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2014. “The Contingent Value of Unmobilized Social Capital in Getting a Good Job.” Sociological Perspectives 57(1): 124-143.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2014. “Institutional Comparisons of the Perceived Value of Networks in China and the United States.” Comparative Sociology 13(5): 587-617.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2013. “Contextualizing Networked Individualism: The Interplay of Social Categories, Role Relationships and Tasks.” Current Sociology 61(5): 602-625.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2013. “Categorical Sources of Varieties of Network Inequalities.” Social Science Research 42(5): 1236-1253.
  • Chua, Vincent and Tan, Ern Ser. 2012. “National Identity” In George Ritzer (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2012. “Contacts and Contexts.” Social Networks 34(4): 534-538.