Recognised Courses

Courses recognised towards Sociology single major, second major and minor programmes

Level 2000 courses


  • AN2202 Culture & Society
  • AN2204 Media Anthropology
  • AN2205 Food and Foodways
  • AN2207 The Social Life of Art

Social Work

  • SW2104 Human Development Over the Lifespan

Level 3000 courses


  • AN3204 Religion in Society and Culture
  • AN3207 Senses and Society

Social Work

  • SW3215 Socio-Cultural Theories in Social Work
  • SW3219 Child-Centric Social Work

Level 4000 courses


  • AN4201 Cultural Production: Power, Voice, Policies
  • AN4202 Gender, Sex and Power


Global Studies

  • GL4881A Colonial, Anticolonial, Postcolonial Globalisations
  • GL4888A Justice and Emerging Technology
  • GL4889A International Law and Terrorism



  • HY4205/EU4224 War and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe
  • HY4207 Special Paper in Military History
  • HY4210 Issues and Events in Malaysian History
  • HY4211 Topics in Environmental History
  • HY4212/EU4214 Special Paper in Modern European History
  • HY4215 The Classical Empires of Southeast Asia
  • HY4216 Culture and Literature in S.E.A. History
  • HY4219/AS4219 American Intellectual History
  • HY4222 Asian Business History: Case Studies
  • HY4225 Ideological Origins of US Foreign Policy
  • HY4227 Sources of Singaporean History
  • HY4229 Biography and History
  • HY4230 Historiography and Historical Method


Japanese Studies

  • JS4230 Advanced Readings in Popular Culture


Malay Studies

  • MS4101 Theory and Practice in Malay Studies
  • MS4201 Social Change, 1900-1950
  • MS4204 Malay Middle Class
  • MS4880A Topics in Muslim Revivalism
  • MS4880B Topics in Malay Culture and Globalization


Political Science

  • PS4201 Contemporary Political Theory
  • PS4208 Theories of International Relations
  • PS4217A Major Political Thinkers: Plato and Rousseau
  • PS4218 European Foreign Policy
  • PS4219 Comparative Political Thought
  • PS4221 Contemporary Politics of Northeast Asia
  • PS4228 Comparative Democratic Politics
  • PS4230 Public Sector Reforms in China
  • PS4231 Social Theory and International Relations
  • PS4232 Researching Singapore Politics
  • PS4881B Topics in CP: Malaysian Politics
  • PS4882A Topics in IR: Globalisation, Security and the State
  • PS4882E Topics in IR: Arms Control
  • PS4882F The Politics of International Trade
  • PS4883A Topics in PT: Orientalism and Femininity
  • PS4884A Topics in PA: Applying Public Policy Theory



  • PL4880M Social Psychology and Technology


Southeast Asian Studies

  • SE4217 Southeast Asia in the Global Economy
  • SE4226 Doing Ethnography in Southeast Asia


South Asian Studies

  • SN4101 Approaches to the Study of South Asia
  • SN4233 Social, Political and Economic Change in India
  • SN4261 South and Southeast Asia: Early Contacts
  • SN4262 Hindutva Nationalism
  • SN4263 Themes in Contemporary Indian History

Courses recognised towards Anthropology single major, second major and minor programmes

Level 2000 courses


  • SC2209 Money, Business, and Social Networks
  • SC2217 Travel Matters
  • SC2220 Gender Studies

Level 3000 courses


  • SC3203 Race and Ethnic Relations
  • SC3204 Sociology of Education
  • SC3213 Visual Ethnography

Level 4000 courses


  • SC4205 Sociology of Language & Communication
  • SC4880 Selected Topics in Sociology & Anthropology