Su Yaxuan

Ph. D. (Anthropology)


Research Interest: Borders and Borderlands, Gender and Mobility, Transnational Relatedness, Digital Labor, Human Trafficking

I am a PhD student in Anthropology at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining NUS, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in history at Northwest University (China) and my Master's degree in social anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. I am also a translator for Translators Without Borders.

My research interests include borders and borderlands, gender and mobility, transnational relatedness, digital labor, human trafficking, and ethnic minorities. My research focuses on the transnational reunification between Vietnamese women with their natal families, and their digital labor.

Teaching Experience:

2022/2023 (Fall), SC3223 “Visual culture: The Politics of Visibility/Invisibility”, Professor Kiven Stroh, Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

Contact Info
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