Forefront Asia Signature Series: “The Study of Southeast Asia Today: A Dialogue at NUS”
August 7, 2013
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) of the National University of Singapore is committed to advancing knowledge of Asia, from within Asia. With our strategic position in the region, a faculty of more than one hundred experts in a variety of disciplinary and area studies departments (Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, South Asian Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, Malay Studies), and ten dedicated Asian language programs, we provide an ideal setting for discovering new data, formulating new paradigms, and training a new generation of Asian Studies specialists.
In tandem with this broader initiative, FASS is pleased to present Forefront Asia: the Signature Series, an annual meeting for expert dialogues on Asia. Each forum in the annual series will consist of focused workshops on topics of critical interest, as well as talks designed for a wider audience of scholars, graduate students and interested members of the public.
The first workshop in FASS’s Forefront Asia Signature Series, “The Study of Southeast Asia Today: A Dialogue at NUS”, will showcase the latest scholarship on Southeast Asia while creating a forum for dialogue and interaction among FASS colleagues working on this region, together with Southeast Asianists from the region and beyond. Featured speakers will include Professors Anthony Reid, Abidin Kusno, and Jonathan Rigg.
Date: 14-15 August 2013
Venue: Shaw Foundation Building, AS7, Level 1, Seminar Room B
More details can be found here. The event poster can be downloaded here.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP with your name and affiliation to Thank you and hope to see you there!