Reasons for the decline of Singapore literature, Lianhe Zaobao, 12 May 2014, Page 11. 《新加坡文学式微的原因》,《联合早报》言论版,2014年5月12日,第11页。

Reasons for the decline of Singapore literature, Lianhe Zaobao, 12 May 2014, Page 11. 《新加坡文学式微的原因》,《联合早报》言论版,2014年5月12日,第11页。

May 14, 2014

This was an article contribution by Mr Lin Yuhui, a Masters student at the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at NUS, on the decline of Singapore literature. He noted that the decline may reflect certain shortcomings in our society that requires deeper reflection. He hoped that Singapore literature and culture could break the boundaries of race and language, and thus, shape Singapore’s national identity. Read this article through this link: Lianhe Zaobao_12 May 2014_Page 11: Reasons for the decline of Singapore literature

这篇由新加坡国立大学中文系硕士研究生林煜辉撰写的评论文章讨论了新加坡文学式微的深层原因,并期望新加坡文学与文化能朝着打破语言与种族藩篱的方向发展,以塑造新加坡作为一个国族的身份意识。请点击以下链接阅读此文章:Lianhe Zaobao_12 May 2014_Page 11: Reasons for the decline of Singapore literature