“Alien” chosen to educate Singapore school staff!

“Alien” chosen to educate Singapore school staff!

November 4, 2014

SRN would like to congratulate the filmmakers of “Alien”, a runner up for the Singapore on Screen II FASS Short Film Competition! The film has been selected by public sector organizations in Singapore to be shared among staff working on the integration of international students in mainstream schools.

“Alien” depicts the challenges and difficulties faced by a Chinese student who has just arrived in Singapore. The film follows his attempts to mingle with fellow course-mates and the social trials and tribulations of an international student on Singapore soil.

Watch “Alien” in full here!

Have a film of your own? Singapore on Screen is back for Round 3!
Our student short film competition is accepting entries till 12 December 2014. Films can be made as part of FASS coursework or as standalone entries. Hurry up and submit a short film for Singapore on Screen III and stand to win prizes worth S$500!

Details at http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/srn/wp/singapore-on-screen-iii-is-open-for-submissions