How Singapore can achieve a more desirable society
August 14, 2018

Based on a recent survey, Singaporeans evaluated their society as scoring well in the provision of healthcare, elderly care services and educational opportunities. However, many feel that individually, the attitudes of Singaporeans are negative and detrimental, with words such as kiasu, competitive and materialistic being used to describe the current culture.
Associate Professor Tan Ern Ser (NUS Department of Sociology) believes that Singapore has the potential to achieve a more desirable society, one based on higher order values. He claimed this can be accomplished by revamping the social structure and treating everyone as equals, which creates less hierarchy. Also, a change in mentality by motivating people to strive for intrinsic rewards through their work will create a more collaborative environment. Together, these two changes can eventually help to ensure a less competitive and unhealthy society.
Read the full article here.