Community and Home-based Care for Older Adults in Singapore

Community and Home-based Care for Older Adults in Singapore

November 13, 2018
“Senior Care Centre” by Kelman Chiang from SRN’s SG Photobank

Singapore’s population is ageing at a faster pace compared to the last decade, with the pool of citizens aged 65 and older growing to more than 14.4 percent. Increased numbers of older adults means more eldercare resources will be required for these individuals and their families. But how suited is Singapore’s caregiving system to attend to such an increase in numbers?

“Community and Home-based Care for Older Adults in Singapore” was a recent study headed by A/P Elaine Ho and A/P Shirlena Huang (NUS Department of Geography), focusing on identifying the strengths and weaknesses in Singapore’s caregiving system for older adults. Findings from the study went towards formulating appropriate responses to improve Singapore’s caregiving capabilities. The study was hosted under the Social Service Research Centre (SSR) and conducted in partnership with the Lien Foundation.

Find out more on this study and other ongoing research projects under SSR here.