Singapore’s thirty-somethings are leaving home

Singapore’s thirty-somethings are leaving home

September 2, 2021

In ‘Singapore’s thirty-somethings are leaving home’, (The Economist, August 2021), Professor Wei-Jun Jean Yeung (NUS Department of Sociology and Centre for Family and Population Research) notes that the country’s housing policy makes it difficult for young people to move out of their family homes. Near 80% of the population live in government-subsidized flats and Singaporeans are unable to apply to purchase one of their own until they marry or are at least 35. The article adds that the number of Singaporeans under 35 living alone or with non-relatives has been growing since the 1990s. Learn more about this trend in the full article here:

HDB Facade
‘HDB Facade’ by Filbert Koung from SRN’s SG Photobank