Coastal Urbanities: Mobilities, Meanings, Manoeuvrings

Coastal Urbanities: Mobilities, Meanings, Manoeuvrings

December 2, 2022
‘Passing Time’ by Kelman Chiang from SRN’s SG Photobank

COP28 will convene in the UAE on 30 November, 2023. Climate change and global warming threaten the survival of many costal cities, and it is interesting to study how proximity to the sea shapes urbanization of cities along the coast.

Coastal Urbanities: Mobilities, Meanings, Manoeuvrings (Brill, 2022), edited by Dr Rapti Siriwardane-de Zoysa (Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research), Associate Professor Kelvin E.Y. Low, Dr Noorman Abdullah (both NUS Sociology and Anthropology) and Professor Anna-Katharina Hornidge (University of Bonn), explores the close connection between urban lives in archipelagic and island Southeast Asia and the sea.

Based on case studies of Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and New Caledonia, the volume seeks to examine urbanism from the perspective of the sea, as opposed to looking at the cities merely as pieces of land. Moreover, the book pays attention to marginal voices of those dwelling and working in islanded metropoles, providing new insights on urbanization of coastal cities.

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