Commentary: I am a Teacher and I Let My Students Use ChatGPT
March 2, 2023

On 30 November 2022, OpenAI announced the launch of conversational text generating artificial intelligence (AI) bot, ChatGPT. Since then, the educational landscape has been debating the utility and potentials, as well as the dangers, of similar technologies.
Mr Jonathan Sim (NUS Philosophy) contributes to this discourse in his piece, ‘Commentary: I am a Teacher and I Let My Students Use ChatGPT’ (Channel NewsAsia, February 2023). He argues that embracing new technologies, including ChatGPT, is important so that educators can remain relevant in training future generations of students. Specifically, he expects similar AI technologies to be integral to the future of work. Accordingly, academic institutions need to teach their students how to use these tools properly and responsibly in preparation for such a future.
Mr Sim highlights two potential uses of these AI tools in education. The first is where the AI bot takes the role of an essay drafter responding to prompts written by a human student. The student would be graded based on their subsequent comments and edits to the AI-generated draft.
The second is where the AI acts as collaborator. Here, the bot could comment on student-drafted work to allow them to make improvements. It could also act as a sounding board, allowing students to clarify concepts and build on ideas through conversation with the AI. To Mr Sim, these mark the expansion of tutoring support to weaker students on a scale not possible before.
However, Mr Sim remains optimistic about the future of human-led education. He argues that learning is an inherently social activity, and human instructors would remain instrumental. However, their role must expand to help students use AI tools properly and ethically, preparing them for the workforce of the future.
Read the commentary here: