Living alone a risk factor for social isolation, especially for men: NUS study
July 26, 2023

A study involving 17,107 Singaporean participants aged between 61 and 96 and led by Associate Professor Feng Qiushi (NUS Sociology and Anthropology) and Professor Koh Woon Puay (NUS Medicine) was extensively referenced in the Straits Times article ‘Living alone a risk factor for social isolation, especially for men: NUS study’ (July 2023).
The article reports that social isolation and disconnection is a difficulty that elderly men tend to face as they age. Drawing from the NUS study, the article points out that men tend to have small social networks due to their traditional role as wage earners, and retirement from the workforce can also shrink their already small networks.
Poor health, cognitive impairment, and lower levels of education can also make social disconnection more acute for elderly men.
A/P Feng highlights that social disconnection can occur even for elderly persons living with family. He emphasises the importance of organising social support for the elderly in ensuring quality of life into old age.
Read the article here: