Discussing Race in Singapore

Discussing Race in Singapore

December 8, 2020
Photo: Flickr/attitudezarah

Recognizing the rise in social discourse over the topic of race in Singapore, The Straits Times 5 December article “Are we ready to talk about race?” outlines some of the major events that have contributed to Singaporeans’ increasing participation in discussions about race. It includes the recommendations of experts, among them Associate Professor Tan Ern Ser (NUS Department of Sociology), on how such conversations should be conducted here.

A/P Tan believes that the discussion on race should be guided and supported by information from trustworthy sources. He points out the potential drawbacks of unmediated discussions on race on online and offline platforms. A/P Tan also cautions against the formation of “echo chambers” on such platforms, as the exclusion of divergent opinions can lead to greater disparity in society.

Seeing the younger generations’ increasing willingness to talk about racial issues, A/P Tan encourages open and respectful conversations which consider different perspectives and aim to resolve the problems that are identified during such discussions. He adds that great emphasis is placed on the need for patience among participants when addressing the sensitive topic of race in Singapore’s diverse society, in order to enable productive exchanges in the future.

Read the article here.

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