Faculty Publications
Listing of faculty publications on Singapore with available abstracts and links
Please search below from our database of more than 8,000 Singapore-related publications. Updates with abstracts and additions of new publications are ongoing. To search more effectively, please use the MLA or APA citation style which uses the author’s last name and initials.
Developing supervision of social work supervisors and their practice in Singapore: A cross-national collaboration by Yuh Ju, W. P., O’Donoghue, K., Engelbrecht, L., & Ng, A. K. T.
International Social Work, 67(6), 1435-1448.
Department(s): Social Work
International Social Work, 67(6), 1435-1448.
Department(s): Social Work
Territorialising the cloud or clouding the territory? Volumetric vulnerabilities and the militarised conjunctures of Singapore’s smart city-state by Woods, O., Bunnell, T., & Kong, L. (2024).
Political Geography, 115, 103211.
Department(s): Geography
Political Geography, 115, 103211.
Department(s): Geography
The Latent Classes of the Volunteer Satisfaction Index and Donation During the Pandemic in Singapore by Son, J., Sung, P., Tay, B. (2025).
In: Suter, C., Chesters, J., Fachelli, S. (eds) Well-being During the Pandemic. Social Indicators Research Series, vol 90. Springer, Cham.
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
In: Suter, C., Chesters, J., Fachelli, S. (eds) Well-being During the Pandemic. Social Indicators Research Series, vol 90. Springer, Cham.
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Link by Link: Blurring the Lines and Creating an Inclusive Society in Singapore by Chua, V. (2022).
In O. Heckmann (Ed.), Future Urban Habitation (1st ed., pp. 37–47). Wiley.
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
In O. Heckmann (Ed.), Future Urban Habitation (1st ed., pp. 37–47). Wiley.
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
The recovery from the pandemic: A spatial-temporal analysis on the changes in mobility and public attitude in Singapore by Tian, H., Chin, W. C. B., & Feng, C.-C.
Cities, 155, 105426.
Department(s): Geography
Cities, 155, 105426.
Department(s): Geography
Flexible Working Arrangements and Fertility Intentions: A Survey Experiment in Singapore. by Wang, S., Dong, H.
Eur J Population 40, 33 (2024).
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Eur J Population 40, 33 (2024).
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Knowing Singapore (Introduction) by Kwa, C.G.
Knowing Singapore: The Evolution of Published Information in Europe
Department(s): History
Knowing Singapore: The Evolution of Published Information in Europe
Department(s): History
Factors shaping cognitive styles in Singaporean college students: Implications for assessment and feedback practices in higher education by Kozhevnikov, M., Ho, S., Dong, C. C., & Strasser, A. V. I.
Sociology, Social Policy and Education
Department(s): Psychology
Sociology, Social Policy and Education
Department(s): Psychology
Navigating Geoeducational Dilemmas: Singapore as a Migration Hub for Students from China by Howlett, Z.M.
Pacific Affairs
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Pacific Affairs
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Illustrating a Splatial Framework to Aging: Absolute, Relative, Relational, and Mental Space in Singapore by Feng, C.-C., Chin, W. C. B., Gao, S., Chua, V., & Ho, E. L.-E.
Transactions in GIS
Department(s): Geography
Transactions in GIS
Department(s): Geography
The link between hours of center-based childcare and child development in 3- to 6-year-olds: Evidence from Singapore by Bi, Y., Ding, X. P., & Yeung, W.-J. J.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Department(s): Psychology
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Department(s): Psychology
Political efficacy and fertility intentions: A survey experiment study in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore by Cheung, A. K.-L., Lui, L., & Mu, Z.
Social Science Research
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Social Science Research
Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology