
LEE Chee Hiang (Member)

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): History and Culture of Overseas Teochew Communities, Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore, Studies on Monuments in Singapore, Charity Enterprises and Cultural Dissemination: A Study of Chaozhou Charity Halls in Singapore, Chinese Personalities in Singapore and Malaysia

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): History and Culture of Overseas Teochew Communities, Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore, Studies on Monuments in Singapore, Charity Enterprises and Cultural Dissemination: A Study of Chaozhou Charity Halls in Singapore, Chinese Personalities in Singapore and Malaysia

LO Yuet Keung (Member)

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): Chinese literature in Singapore, Confucianism, Early Taoism, Buddhist narrative, Buddhist culture and its assimilation and acculturation in China, Lives of Chinese women in traditional China, Childhood and norms of socialization in China

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): Chinese literature in Singapore, Confucianism, Early Taoism, Buddhist narrative, Buddhist culture and its assimilation and acculturation in China, Lives of Chinese women in traditional China, Childhood and norms of socialization in China

KWEE Hui Kian (Member)

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): Southeast Asian History (especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), Monsoon Asia (South China Sea, Indian Ocean), Colonialism and Imperialism (especially Dutch and British), Capitalism, Chinese Ethnicity, Migration, Religion, Transnationalism and Entrepreneurial Networks

Department(s): Chinese Studies
Keyword(s): Southeast Asian History (especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), Monsoon Asia (South China Sea, Indian Ocean), Colonialism and Imperialism (especially Dutch and British), Capitalism, Chinese Ethnicity, Migration, Religion, Transnationalism and Entrepreneurial Networks

Nekmat Elmie (Member)

Department(s): Communications and New Media
Keyword(s): Social psychology processes and effects in computer-mediated communication, Digital source and information evaluation, Digital civic engagement and expression, Public opinion formation and perception, Public relations and strategic communication, Social media

Department(s): Communications and New Media
Keyword(s): Social psychology processes and effects in computer-mediated communication, Digital source and information evaluation, Digital civic engagement and expression, Public opinion formation and perception, Public relations and strategic communication, Social media

Loon Robin (Member)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Singapore English Language Theatre Dramaturgy as discursive and creative practice Creative and practice-based pedagogy Performance and performativity in media and popular culture Postmodern aesthetics in theatre Modernising traditional theatre and performance Sexuality in theatre and performance The practice of translation in Theatre Documenting and memorializing through Theatre

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Singapore English Language Theatre Dramaturgy as discursive and creative practice Creative and practice-based pedagogy Performance and performativity in media and popular culture Postmodern aesthetics in theatre Modernising traditional theatre and performance Sexuality in theatre and performance The practice of translation in Theatre Documenting and memorializing through Theatre

HIRAMOTO Mie (Member)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Contact linguistics: Second dialect acquisition, Koineization, Pidgins and creoles, Hawai‘i Creole, Singapore English Language, gender, and sexuality: Critical discourse analysis, Women's language, Masculinity studies Linguistic Anthropology: Linguistic construction of identity, Media intertexuality, Textual discourse Austronesian languages: Indonesian, Polynesian languages, Phonology/morphology interface, Comparative methods

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Contact linguistics: Second dialect acquisition, Koineization, Pidgins and creoles, Hawai‘i Creole, Singapore English Language, gender, and sexuality: Critical discourse analysis, Women's language, Masculinity studies Linguistic Anthropology: Linguistic construction of identity, Media intertexuality, Textual discourse Austronesian languages: Indonesian, Polynesian languages, Phonology/morphology interface, Comparative methods

LEE Leslie (Member)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Pattern/construction-theoretic approaches to linguistics, Interfaces between (*word-based*) morphology, (*non-derivational*) syntax, and (lexical) semantics, Dialectal variation, Quantitative approaches to the study of language, Experimental and corpus-based studies of phenomena in colloquial Singapore English (Singlish)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Pattern/construction-theoretic approaches to linguistics, Interfaces between (*word-based*) morphology, (*non-derivational*) syntax, and (lexical) semantics, Dialectal variation, Quantitative approaches to the study of language, Experimental and corpus-based studies of phenomena in colloquial Singapore English (Singlish)

TAN Peter K W (Member)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Linguistic hybridity in relation to language use in Singapore and Malaysia, Singaporean and Malaysian English as various norms have acted upon them, Singaporean and Malaysian prose writing in English, Computer-mediated communication (Netspeak, E-language) as a relatively new medium, Singapore English, discourse studies and stylistics.

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Linguistic hybridity in relation to language use in Singapore and Malaysia, Singaporean and Malaysian English as various norms have acted upon them, Singaporean and Malaysian prose writing in English, Computer-mediated communication (Netspeak, E-language) as a relatively new medium, Singapore English, discourse studies and stylistics.

SANKARAN Chitra (Member)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Ecological Criticism (Ecofeminism; Deep Ecology; Posthumanism), South Asian Fiction In English, South East Asian Women's Fiction, Gender Studies, Feminist Pedagogy, Feminist Ethics & Aesthetics, Comparative Literature (English & Tamil)

Department(s): English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Keyword(s): Ecological Criticism (Ecofeminism; Deep Ecology; Posthumanism), South Asian Fiction In English, South East Asian Women's Fiction, Gender Studies, Feminist Pedagogy, Feminist Ethics & Aesthetics, Comparative Literature (English & Tamil)

CHONG Ja Ian (Member)

Department(s): Political Science
Keyword(s): Security, External Intervention, Sovereignty, Nationalism, International and Domestic Political Institutions, Politics of Hegemony and Domination, Major Power Rivalry, International Relations and Politics of the Asia-Pacific, Chinese Foreign Policy, U.S.-China Relations, Chinese Politics, Political Liberalisation and Foreign and Security Policy, Alliance Politics

Department(s): Political Science
Keyword(s): Security, External Intervention, Sovereignty, Nationalism, International and Domestic Political Institutions, Politics of Hegemony and Domination, Major Power Rivalry, International Relations and Politics of the Asia-Pacific, Chinese Foreign Policy, U.S.-China Relations, Chinese Politics, Political Liberalisation and Foreign and Security Policy, Alliance Politics

HONG Yee Shiun, Ryan (Member)

Department(s): Psychology
Keyword(s): Social, Personality, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Personality and psychopathology, Dispositional-trait and social-cognitive perspectives of personality, Personality vulnerabilities to mood anxiety and substance use disorders

Department(s): Psychology
Keyword(s): Social, Personality, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Personality and psychopathology, Dispositional-trait and social-cognitive perspectives of personality, Personality vulnerabilities to mood anxiety and substance use disorders

Amtzis Rachel (Steering Committee)

Department(s): Other FASS Department
Keyword(s): Development, Development Communication, Bottom-up/Participatory Development and Communication, Social Media, Social Network Sites, NGOs, Philanthropy, Cinema, Cities, Urban/Rural divide, Digital divide, Globalization/Localization, Fundraising, Nepal, South Asia, Social Impact Games, Postcolonialism, Global South

Department(s): Other FASS Department
Keyword(s): Development, Development Communication, Bottom-up/Participatory Development and Communication, Social Media, Social Network Sites, NGOs, Philanthropy, Cinema, Cities, Urban/Rural divide, Digital divide, Globalization/Localization, Fundraising, Nepal, South Asia, Social Impact Games, Postcolonialism, Global South

CHOO Hyekyung (Member)

Department(s): Social Work
Keyword(s): Systemic influences on adolescents' health risk behaviors. Children and adolescents' video-gaming addiction and cyberwellness. Adolescent children of immigrants and their mental health and health risk behaviors, Social service program evaluation

Department(s): Social Work
Keyword(s): Systemic influences on adolescents' health risk behaviors. Children and adolescents' video-gaming addiction and cyberwellness. Adolescent children of immigrants and their mental health and health risk behaviors, Social service program evaluation

GOH Esther C L (Member)

Department(s): Social Work
Keyword(s): Bilateral parent-child dynamics, Children as agentic beings in cultural contexts, Cross-cultural childrearing: China, Singapore Intergenerational dynamics within families, Impact of problem gambling on family and intergenerational dynamics, Social Work practice-based evidence research, Religion as social support for immigrants in Singapore

Department(s): Social Work
Keyword(s): Bilateral parent-child dynamics, Children as agentic beings in cultural contexts, Cross-cultural childrearing: China, Singapore Intergenerational dynamics within families, Impact of problem gambling on family and intergenerational dynamics, Social Work practice-based evidence research, Religion as social support for immigrants in Singapore

CHUA Hui Ching Emily (Member)

Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Keyword(s): Anthropology of news and journalism, Digital media and communications, Media technologies and cultures, Political culture in authoritarian states, Socialism, late-socialism, post-socialism and capitalism, Anthropology of money and markets, Technology and entrepreneurship (aka "Technopreneurship"), Startup culture

Department(s): Sociology and Anthropology
Keyword(s): Anthropology of news and journalism, Digital media and communications, Media technologies and cultures, Political culture in authoritarian states, Socialism, late-socialism, post-socialism and capitalism, Anthropology of money and markets, Technology and entrepreneurship (aka "Technopreneurship"), Startup culture

HAMZAH bin Muzaini (Member)

Department(s): Southeast Asian Studies
Keyword(s): How heritage associated with the Second World War is currently (and historically) commemorated in Singapore and Malaysia, conceptualised around postcolonial theory, materiality, cyber-memorialisation, transnational deaths, the immanent past, and practices of power and resistance in everyday spaces

Department(s): Southeast Asian Studies
Keyword(s): How heritage associated with the Second World War is currently (and historically) commemorated in Singapore and Malaysia, conceptualised around postcolonial theory, materiality, cyber-memorialisation, transnational deaths, the immanent past, and practices of power and resistance in everyday spaces