Studying in Singapore

A prominent Southeast Asian city-state with close connections with the major capitals and cities of Asia, Singapore provides an attractive platform for the comparative study of Asian issues and concerns. Singapore’s innate cosmopolitan outlook also offers an attractive living and research environment for both local and international students. CAS PhD students and their research will benefit from interactions with the rich and diverse cultures, languages and cuisines of Singapore, which, it is hoped, can provide more situated perspectives of Asian issues.

Studying in FASS

The CAS PhD student benefits from the world-class education offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS).

FASS is organised into three divisions: Asian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, all together housing fifteen departments and programmes, several of which are ranked first in Asia and top twenty worldwide. FASS is also home to the Office of Programmes which offers four multidisciplinary programmes and five minor programmes of study and the Centre for Language Studies which teaches twelve different languages.

In addition to the depth and breadth of FASS is home to over 1,000 local and international students – cosmopolitan and diverse!


See Also

  1. Welcome to FASS
  2. Departments and Programmes
  3. Centre for Language Studies

Library Resources

CAS PhD students are able to tap on the rich and diverse library resources offered by NUS Libraries. Together, the seven libraries hold close to two million unique titles. The Central Library, the library supporting FASS and its graduate students, on its own has over 800,000 unique titles with a focus on Southeast Asian and Asian topics. CAS students can access the half a million e-resources made available by NUS Libraries, e.g. e-journals, e-newspapers and over 200 reference databases (such as JSTOR, Factiva, Lexis-Nexis). NUS Libraries also provide services and support for graduate research, e.g. subject guides, citation styles and management, inter-library loans and document delivery services (for items not found in NUS Libraries).


See Also

  1. NUS Libraries
  2. Services for Graduate Research

Living in Singapore

The Student Service Centre of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is a one-stop information point for international students. It provides information to prepare international students for living in Singapore, such as pre-registration, immigration and travel, Student Pass (issued by Immigration and Customs Authority), accommodation, health care and insurance. It also organises events and programmes to help international students settle in Singapore, e.g. orientation briefings and tours.


See Also

  1. Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
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