Minors in CNM
A minor in CNM augments your chosen major by equipping you with theoretical, practical, and technical competencies in communication to help you become a more effective professional in your chosen field. If you would like to take further advantage of CNM's interdisciplinary strengths, you can choose to read a second minor.
A Cultural Studies minor complements a CNM minor by providing students with a better understanding of how the process of communication creates, shapes, and challenges culture, and how cultural assumptions underpin and mould our ability to communicate.
A minor in Interactive Media Development will expose students to CNM and Computer Science courses in the areas of media production, media technology, and human computer interaction, equipping students with skills to create the types of interactive media content which are transforming our culture and the way we communicate.
Currently offered minors
The department current offers three different minors listed below:
- Minor in Communications and New Media
- Minor in Interactive Media Development
- Minor in Cultural Studies
- Minor in Visual Cultures
If you have any specific query regarding our minors, please write to cnm.undergraduate@nus.edu.sg, or call +65 6516 4670.