Shawn Treier


Course: Bayesian Analysis (2016)

Shawn Treier is Lecturer of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University and affiliated with the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. He is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and received a MA in economics as well as his PhD in political science from Stanford University. In addition to his work on Bayesian measurement models, he is interested in political behavior and public opinion with a special focus on American political institutions and political development. His research has won him the American Political Science Association's Gregory Luebbert Award (2010) for best article in comparative politics, and he has been widely published in such leading academic journals as the American Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, American Politics Research, Journal of Politics, Journal of Law and Courts, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and Political Analysis. He has previously taught Bayesian analysis and related advanced research methods courses at the University of Virginia, University of Minnesota, University of Georgia, the Social Science Methods, Analysis, and Research Training (SSMART) workshop at the University of Sydney, as well as the Institute for Political Methodology at National Chengchi University and Academia Sinica.