Faculty AZHAR IBRAHIMSenior Lecturer6516 5703 EmailFAIZAH ZAKARIAAssistant Professor (Joint appointment with Department of Southeast Asian Studies)6601 1968 EmailIMRAN TAJUDEENSenior Lecturer (Joint appointment with Department of Architecture)6516 2569 EmailNOOR AISHA ABDUL RAHMANAssociate Professor6516 6003 EmailNOORMAN ABDULLAHDeputy Head & Senior Lecturer (Joint appointment with Department of Sociology & Anthropology), Assistant Dean (External Relations and Student Life)6516 5924 EmailSHER BANU A.L. KHANHead of Department & Associate Professor6516 4199 EmailSURIANI SURATMANSenior Lecturer6516 6002 EmailSYED FARID ALATASProfessor (Joint appointment with Department of Sociology & Anthropology) (on Sabbatical Leave AY24/25)6516 3837 EmailSYED MUHAMMAD KHAIRUDIN ALJUNIEDAssociate Professor Email FacultyTeaching/ResearchOther FacultyGraduate StudentsAlumni