Courses Offered in AY2024-2025
The Department reserves the right to change the courses offered and content of the courses offered.
Students are strongly advised to check for the latest timetable in NUSMods in July (for Semester 1) and December (for Semester 2) each year.
Please refer to the CourseReg Course Setup for MS Guide before course registration in CourseReg@EduRec.
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Lecturer |
GESS1006 | Ethnicity and Nation Building: Singapore and Malaysia | Noorman Abdullah |
GESS1012 | Islam and Contemporary Malay Society | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
HS2919 | Blood and Womb: Culture and the Body in Malay Society | Alicia Izharuddin Wong Mee Lian (SSH School of Public Health) |
MS1102E | Understanding the Contemporary Malay World | Azhar Ibrahim |
MS2210 | Malay Culture & Society | Suriani Suratman |
MS2211 | Criticism in Modern Malay Literature (Taught in Malay) |
Azhar Ibrahim |
MS2212 | Law and Malay Society | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
MS2213 | Families and Households - Lived Experiences | Suriani Suratman |
MS2218 | Malay-Islamic Cultural Encounters: Arts and Aesthetics | Imran Tajudeen |
MS3212 | Text and Ideology in the Malay World (Taught in Malay) |
Azhar Ibrahim |
MS3214 | Asian Traditions and Modernisation | Imran Tajudeen |
MS3216 | Gender and Islam | Alicia Izharuddin |
MS3218 | The Religious Life of the Malays | Syed M Khairudin Aljunied |
MS3550 | Malay Studies Internship | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
MS4101 | Theory and Practice in Malay Studies | Azhar Ibrahim Suriani Suratman |
MS4204 | The Malay Middle Class | Suriani Suratman |
MS4880A | Orientations in Muslim Resurgence Movements | Sher Banu A.L. Khan |
*Students up to Cohort 2020 should read the 5-Unit version with ‘HM’ suffix, while students from Cohort 2021 onwards should read the 4-Unit version without the ‘HM’ suffix. This is due to CHS transition.
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Lecturer |
GESS1006 | Ethnicity and Nation Building: Singapore and Malaysia | Noorman Abdullah |
GESS1012 | Islam and Contemporary Malay Society | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
HS2919 | Blood and Wombs: Culture and the Body in Malay Society | Alicia Izharuddin Wong Mee Lian (SSH School of Public Health) |
MS2215 | Princes, Ports, Pomp, Piety and Pen in the Malay World | Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied |
MS2216 | Fieldwork in Studies of Malay Society | Azhar Ibrahim |
MS2217 | Singapore’s Malay Built Heritage: Legacies of Diversity | Imran Tajudeen |
MS2219 | Networks and the Malay World | Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied |
MS2220 | Arts and Artists in the Nusantara | Suriani Suratman |
MS3209 | Being Malays in Singapore | Suriani Suratman |
MS3211 | Political Culture of the Malays | Sher Banu A.L. Khan |
MS3213 | Ideology & Ideas on Malay Development | Azhar Ibrahim |
MS3217 | Political Economy, Ethnicity, Religion | Moch Faisal Karim (VSF) |
MS3550 | Malay Studies Internship | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
MS4208/ MS4208HM* |
Syariah Law in Southeast Asia | Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman |
MS4880B/ MS4880BHM* |
Malays Encountering Globalization: Culture and Identity | Faizah Zakaria |
MS4401/ MS4401HM* |
Honours Thesis | All Staff |
MS4660/ MS660HM* |
Independent Study | All Staff |
*Students up to Cohort 2020 should read the 5-Unit version with ‘HM’ suffix, while students from Cohort 2021 onwards should read the 4-Unit version without the ‘HM’ suffix. This is due to CHS transition.
Important Notes:
- Class timetable is available on NUSMods.
- GEH/GEQ/GER/GES/GET courses are offered to students from Cohort 2015 to 2020 only.
- GESS/GEC/GEX/GEA/GEI/GEN courses are offered to students from Cohort 2021 onwards.