Introduction to the Cam Script & Language – a workshop organised by NUS Southeast Asian Studies Society (Wed, 2 April 2014)

Introduction to the Cam Script & Language – a workshop organised by NUS Southeast Asian Studies Society (Wed, 2 April 2014)

February 24, 2014

Do you want to learn how to read and write the Cam language? Then come and join us at the Cam language workshop organised by the NUS Southeast Asian Studies Society on Wednesday 2 April 2014, 4:00pm – 6:00pm.


Together with Dr Thanh Phan, Vice Director for the Center of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University (VNU-HCMC), Dr Mohd Effendy, Postdoctoral Fellow from NUS Southeast Asian Studies will be sharing the history and myths of the Cam people.

Reserve your spot today by signing up via this Google Form:

For any queries, email the NUS Southeast Asian Studies Society at
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