From Borneo Due West

From Borneo Due West

March 19, 2018

Join an amazing voyage on a classic sailing ship. Explore remote Indonesian islands. Experience life at sea.

2-16 June 2018

Open to all NUS students, staff, and alumni! There are limited slots—sign up NOW!

Costs: Students $1200; staff and alumni $1600.

Not inclusive of miscellaneous expenses of about $200. Non-final semester undergraduates (SG citizens and PRs) may be eligible for additional subsidy of $800, and/or Edusave (PSEA).

If interested and/or have questions, email 

From Pontianak, a busy city in Kalimantan/Borneo, we sail down the mighty Kapuas River and then far into the South China Sea, where we spend most of our time, exploring remote archipelagos (Tambelan and Badas) and lonely islands (Penjantan, Pengibu, etc.), before heading to Tanjung Pinang (Bintan), a fascinating provincial capital.

Meet locals and learn about life in small, remote island communities – how isolated are they, how connected?  Learn history, culture, environment, and economics from their perspective. Get to know intimately the sea and its importance in this region, past and present. On kayaks explore streams and lagoons. Experience how it feels to live with fellow sailors in the tiny floating world of the boat. Learn how to sail: hoisting sails, keeping watch, navigating, reading charts, taking the helm and steering the ship. We will have a captain, but we will be the crew!

The voyage is led by two scholars of Indonesian culture and society. Pak Jan specializes in arts, travel and travel writing, with particular interest in the sea. He has travelled throughout Indonesia, when possible on ships and ferries, and voyaged on a container ship from Europe to Singapore. Mas Miguel is an expert on theatre, digital media, archives, and videography – he will guide us in documenting our voyage.

Organized by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, with support from the Provost Office and the Global Relations Office, NUS.


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