Dr Serina Rahman’s NGO, Kelab Alami, Wins The Hornbill Award 2023 for Conservation Efforts

Dr Serina Rahman’s NGO, Kelab Alami, Wins The Hornbill Award 2023 for Conservation Efforts

March 13, 2024

View the Award Presentation here: https://youtu.be/sgCJAf8tnk8?si=AKBgSuhYrT_J_jJ4

Dr Serina Rahman's non-governmental organization (NGO), Kelab Alami, has been honored with The Hornbill Award 2023. The Hornbill Award, established in 2021, spotlights conservation efforts aimed at preserving and managing biodiversity and natural resources in the face of pressing environmental challenges.

Dr Serina Rahman, in light of this achievement, discusses strategies to tackle the diverse challenges posed by climate change on Malaysian artisanal fishing communities. These communities play a pivotal role in maintaining livelihoods, preserving heritage, and ensuring seafood sustainability.

Emphasizing community empowerment and sustainable initiatives, Dr Serina advocates for seagrass conservation and advocacy programs as effective measures to protect both the environment and the livelihoods of fishermen. By focusing on enhancing income opportunities and preserving traditional practices, Dr Serina aims to secure economic viability while safeguarding marine ecosystems for future generations.

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