Honours Student Maisy Kim Tyan-Wei Joins ASEAN-Plus Three Seminar and Student Camp, Fostering Cultural Understanding and Collaboration in East Asian Studies

Honours Student Maisy Kim Tyan-Wei Joins ASEAN-Plus Three Seminar and Student Camp, Fostering Cultural Understanding and Collaboration in East Asian Studies

October 8, 2024

by Maisy Kim Tyan-Wei

The APT International Seminar on East Asian Studies at Major Universities and ASEAN Plus Three Student Camp aimed to foster greater understanding of East Asian issues among educators and students from ASEAN Plus Three (APT) countries.

As participants of the ASEAN Plus Three Student Camp, we attended lectures that enhanced our understanding of East Asia as a region, and engaged in meaningful discussion on the role of ASEAN Plus Three to both ASEAN and the Plus Three nations.

Part of the camp involved discussion of a Yogyakarta Declaration that was meant to represent what we, as the youth, believed ASEAN Plus Three could do. Through that activity, we got to explore the different cultural backgrounds of each country, especially countries that we were less familiar with such as Timor-Leste. Personally, this camp was a great introduction to Timor-Leste for me as we got to interact and learn more about their history and culture, more so as they ease into their position as a new member of ASEAN.

We were also invited to visit the UNESCO World Heritage site of Borobudur Temple, as well as a Ramayana Ballet at the Prambanan Temple, truly experiencing and appreciating the rich cultural heritage of Yogyakarta.

Overall, the camp facilitated exchanges of views, perspectives, and knowledge on establishing East Asian Studies at major universities in APT countries, enhancing people-to-people connectivity through in-person interaction, and promoting cultural understanding.

More details on UGM CESASS website: https://pssat.ugm.ac.id/apt-seminar-on-east-asian-studies-and-apt-student-camp-fostering-regional-understanding-and-academic-collaboration/