Graduate Students

Thesis Topic
Dadang Ilham Kurniawan Mujiono Doctor of Philosophy Insiders and/or Outsiders in the Derawan Archipelago: Sea People, Settlers, Migrants, Tourists, Investors, and Politicians
DK Siti Zulaikha PG HJ Ishak Doctor of Philosophy Status And Threats Of Marine Tek: An Investigation Into Indigenous Realities Of Fisherfolk Communities In Brunei
Fadiah Nadwa Binti Fikri Doctor of Philosophy Subverting the British Racialising Project: The Construction of Malayness under the 1947 People's Constitutional Proposals for Malaya
Hioe Zhi Hui Joanna Doctor of Philosophy Nodes and Networks: Factors Driving Ground-Up Philanthropic Action in Southeast Asia
Kyi Kyi Seinn Doctor of Philosophy Contesting A-yay-taw-pon: Everyday Responses of Bamar Society During Multi-layered Crisis Time (2020-2022)
Muhammad Mirza Ardi Doctor of Philosophy Local Politics and the Aswaja Movement in Aceh Post-Helsinki MOU: Patronage, Religious Violence, and Underdevelopment
Rizki Amalia Affiat Doctor of Philosophy The Social Reproduction of Women’s Seasonal Migration in Lebak District, Banten Province, Indonesia: A Class Analysis of Gender, Labour and Resilience
Sharmini Aphrodite Doctor of Philosophy Creating the Kadazan-Dusun: Tracing the Formation of a “Kadazan-Dusun” Identity from the 1950s to 1976
Wang Xun Doctor of Philosophy The Thai Nguyen Steelworks: Technology and Nature in Cold War Vietnam
Chu Hao Pei Master of Arts The Political World in a Grain of Rice: Visual Politics in Rice Fields, Packets and Museums in Southeast Asia
Daniel Andara Kalangie Master of Arts Migration in the Eastern Part of Indonesia: Traditional Mobility Pattern in Contemporary Maluku Utara Archipelago
Grace Nastasya Master of Arts Evaluating Ethos: The Age of Ethical Tourists, Community-based and Empowering Young Women from Minority Groups in Sapa
Muhammad Alif Bin Zaini Master of Arts Urban Anthropology of Tanjong Katong Complex
Rachel Wong Yong En Master of Arts Intercultural Music-Making in Singapore
Saraln Ng Udomkichdecha Master of Arts Beyond Sun, Sand and Sea: Mobilities on a Small Island Community of Ko Yao/Pulau Panjang along the Thai-Malaysian Maritime Border
Saza Faradilla Binte Zaini Master of Arts Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Singapore: Complexities and Resistance