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Welcome to Southeast Asian Studies @ NUS

Life isn't divided up into neat disciplinary boxes. Learning about the world shouldn't be boxed in either.

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies offers an ideal alternative to students who find disciplinary approaches to learning narrow or restrictive, and those who prefer a more subject-oriented curriculum. Our department aims to offer a truly inter-disciplinary approach to learning which draws on different perspectives and methodologies from the humanities and social sciences, all thoroughly informed by local experience and knowledge.


December 18, 2019

Javanese Gamelan for Beginners

November 4, 2019

Voyage Module (Semester 2, AY19/20) – APPLICATIONS CLOSED!

SE3234 Sea, Islands, Vessels: A Voyage of Exploration Join an amazing voyage on a classic sailing ship through the Riau Archipelago and along Sumatra’s coast, stopping at many islands, exploring Indonesian multi-ethnic towns, fishing villages, and uninhabited islands. Meet locals and learn about life in island communities – how isolated are they, how connected? How …

Voyage Module (Semester 2, AY19/20) – APPLICATIONS CLOSED! Read More »

October 15, 2019

Emeritus Professor Award – Professor John Miksic

Prof John Miksic was conferred the Emeritus Professorship by Provost Prof Ho Teck Hua on 4 October 2019. The award of Emeritus Professorship is conferred to full professors on retirement in recognition of their sustained contributions in to teaching, research and service to NUS. Prof Itty Abraham, Head of the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, …

Emeritus Professor Award – Professor John Miksic Read More »

October 4, 2019

FASS Awards Ceremony 2019

The annual FASS Awards Ceremony celebrates the pursuit of excellence across all domains, academic and non-academic achievements alike. From Special Book Prizes and Gold Medals for high-performing undergraduates to the FASS Student Leadership Award (#FSLA) which rewards leadership in extra-curricular activities, the Faculty’s bid to cultivate well-rounded students is an unceasing one. Our heartiest congratulations …

FASS Awards Ceremony 2019 Read More »

September 18, 2019

New Publication: Cina Timor: Baba, Hakka, and Cantonese in the Making of Timor-Leste by Douglas Kammen and Jonathan Chen

Douglas Kammen and Jonathan Chen, Cina Timor: Baba, Hakka, and Cantonese in the Making of Timor-Leste, New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 2019 Although they were a tiny minority in the most backward of European colonies, the ethnic Chinese played a critical role in the development of Portuguese Timor and the making of modern …

New Publication: Cina Timor: Baba, Hakka, and Cantonese in the Making of Timor-Leste by Douglas Kammen and Jonathan Chen Read More »

August 26, 2019

Learning more about ‘protectors’ of sultans

Tuesday, 20 August 2019, Home, The Straits Times by Melody Zaccheus, Heritage and Community  Correspondent A two-year-long project, led by Dr Mohamed Effendy Abdul Hamid, seeks to uncover the stories and ancient techniques of Bugis warriors whose role was to serve, advise and protect the Malay rulers.

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