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Welcome to Southeast Asian Studies @ NUS

Life isn't divided up into neat disciplinary boxes. Learning about the world shouldn't be boxed in either.

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies offers an ideal alternative to students who find disciplinary approaches to learning narrow or restrictive, and those who prefer a more subject-oriented curriculum. Our department aims to offer a truly inter-disciplinary approach to learning which draws on different perspectives and methodologies from the humanities and social sciences, all thoroughly informed by local experience and knowledge.


October 23, 2018

Borneo Due West: A Post-Voyage Presentation & Exhibition

The past summer break, a motley crew comprising students, alumni, and professors from the National University of Singapore set sail on a schooner named Four Friends, heading west from the large island of Borneo (from Pontianak) to remote islands in the South China Sea and further west to Bintan, which lies just south of our …

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October 22, 2018

Love and Betrayal in Balingkang (Friday, 16 November 2018, 7:00pm)

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies presents “Love and Betrayal in Balingkang“, The story of King Sri Jayapangus and his Chinese wife, performed by students of SE3230 Seen and Unseen: Explorations in Balinese Theatre. Synopsis: Prembon was first performed in Bali in 1942 and combines some of the quintessential elements of Bali’s most famous theatrical …

Love and Betrayal in Balingkang (Friday, 16 November 2018, 7:00pm) Read More »

October 4, 2018

Learning outside the Classroom – Prof John N Miksic

Prof John N Miksic was recently featured in the NUS Centre For the Arts 25th Anniversary Commemorative Publication. Check it out here. “The NUS Museum makes it possible for me to add a whole new dimension to my teaching. The NUS Museum is always an integral part of my summer school class SE22n Southeast Asian …

Learning outside the Classroom – Prof John N Miksic Read More »

September 28, 2018

Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA) 2018

Congratulations to Dr Oona Paredes on being awarded the FASS Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA) 2018 for her work in AY2017/2018. Well done Dr Oona!

September 4, 2018

Fresh dig to unearth Singapore History

Veteran archaeologist to conduct six-week dig at Fort Canning. Saturday, 1 September 2018, Straits Times The lives of Singapore’s ancient rulers and people who worked in the royal Malay palace at Fort Canning Hill are being probed further by a pair of archaeologists. Speaking to The Straits Times, veteran archaeologist John Miksic, 71, said he …

Fresh dig to unearth Singapore History Read More »

August 30, 2018

FASS Awards Ceremony 2018

The annual FASS Awards Ceremony celebrates the pursuit of excellence across all domains, academic and non-academic achievements alike. From Special Book Prizes and Gold Medals for high-performing undergraduates to the FASS Student Leadership Award (#FSLA) which rewards leadership in extra-curricular activities, the Faculty’s bid to cultivate well-rounded students is an unceasing one. Our heartiest congratulations …

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