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Welcome to Southeast Asian Studies @ NUS

Life isn't divided up into neat disciplinary boxes. Learning about the world shouldn't be boxed in either.

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies offers an ideal alternative to students who find disciplinary approaches to learning narrow or restrictive, and those who prefer a more subject-oriented curriculum. Our department aims to offer a truly inter-disciplinary approach to learning which draws on different perspectives and methodologies from the humanities and social sciences, all thoroughly informed by local experience and knowledge.


June 2, 2016

Website Updates

Websites of all units/departments in the University, including the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, are in the process of being updated. As such, you may encounter broken links while browsing. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will do our best to update the website.

April 5, 2016

Philippine National Book Development Board 34th National Book Awards

Kanami Namiki’s book Ramon Obusan, Philippine Folkdance and Me: From the perspective of a Japanese Dancer won the National Book Award for Best Book of Non-Fiction in English, awarded by the Philippine National Book Development Board. The book is based on Kanami’s M.A. thesis, written at NUS under the supervision of Professor Reynaldo Ileto. Kanami is …

Philippine National Book Development Board 34th National Book Awards Read More »

March 2, 2016

Southeast Asian Night 2016

Come and join us for Southeast Asian Night 2016 on Friday 11 March 2016 at NUS LT13. Admission is FREE!!    

December 7, 2015

Best Paper and Best Presentation Awards at the International World Peace Conference ‘Better Understanding for a Better World’

Congratulations to Khoo Yi Feng on winning the Best Paper and Best Presentation awards at the International World Peace Conference ‘Better Understanding for a Better World’ held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 2nd to 6th December 2015. Yi Feng’s paper titled “From Victims to Victors: Learning Psychological Resilience from Khmer Survivors” discussed the coping strategies that …

Best Paper and Best Presentation Awards at the International World Peace Conference ‘Better Understanding for a Better World’ Read More »

September 9, 2015

Treasures of Bugis kris at NUS exhibition

Below is a brief translation of the original article ‘Khazanah keris Bugis di pameran NUS‘ by Mohd Raman Daud, published on 8 September 2015 in Berita Harian. Some 150 Bugis-Makassar kris of various kinds were on display in the Central Library at National University of Singapore (NUS) from 27 August to September 4 2015. According to Mr …

Treasures of Bugis kris at NUS exhibition Read More »

August 30, 2015

FASS Professorial Seminar by Prof John Miksic (Thur, 10 September 2015)

Professor John Miksic will be giving a talk titled ‘Archaeology on a Little Red Dot: Special Finds in Singapore’ as part of the FASS Professorial Seminar Series. RSVP with the title “MIKSIC” to by 1 September 2015 if you would like to attend this seminar. All are welcome.

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