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Welcome to Southeast Asian Studies @ NUS

Life isn't divided up into neat disciplinary boxes. Learning about the world shouldn't be boxed in either.

The Department of Southeast Asian Studies offers an ideal alternative to students who find disciplinary approaches to learning narrow or restrictive, and those who prefer a more subject-oriented curriculum. Our department aims to offer a truly inter-disciplinary approach to learning which draws on different perspectives and methodologies from the humanities and social sciences, all thoroughly informed by local experience and knowledge.


March 12, 2023

Exploring the Spaces between the Arts, Social Issues and Academia

This year’s edition of NUS Arts Festival features over 20 performances, films, public art, installations, and dialogues. It is also the first to return to pre-pandemic levels, and involves more than 700 NUS students, alumni, faculty, staff and collaborators, nearly twice of 2022 figures, and remains the largest performing arts event on campus.

March 12, 2023

NUS Open House: More than 7.7M Visitors Drawn to Action-Packed Showcase over 10 Days

NUS Open House 2023 saw a strong showing by visitors eager to find out about the University’s academic programmes, as it returned in from 25 February to 6 March. Some 7.71 million visitors attended the physical and online showcase which involved 3,071 faculty and staff, students and alumni.

February 28, 2023

FASS Inspiring Mentor 2022 Award Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 FASS Inspiring Mentor Awards!

February 25, 2023

The NUS Career Compass 2023

Find out how the University has developed and broadened our curriculum to better prepare our graduates for the swiftly evolving workplace, and how interdisciplinary learning can help students solve complex issues in our society.

February 23, 2023

CHS at NUS Open House 2023: Download the FASS Essentials on 27 February 2023

On 27 February, get the full download on the essentials of academic programmes, student life, career preparation, overseas opportunities and financial aid at CHS via Zoom in the ‘virtual’ edition of CHS@NUS Open House 2023.

December 6, 2022

Could Anwar Ibrahim’s Unity Government Fight for the Interests of the People?

Commentary by Dr Serina Rahman (NUS Southeast Asian Studies) in Suria News Online.

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