
Courses Offered in AY2024-2025
The Department reserves the right to change the courses offered and content of the courses offered.
Students are strongly advised to check NUSMods for the latest timetable in July (for Semester 1) and December (for Semester 2) each year.
Please refer to the CourseReg Course Setup for SE Guide before course registration in CourseReg@EduRec.
Course Code | Course Title | Lecturer(s) |
GESS1035/GES1030 | Singapore and the Sea | Serina A Rahman |
SE1101E | The Lands Below the Winds: Southeast Asia in the World | Irving Johnson Mohamed Effendy |
SE2217 | War and Southeast Asia | Mohamed Effendy |
SE2224 | Unmasked! An Introduction to Traditional Dance in SEA | Irving Johnson |
SE2660^ | Independent Study | All Staff |
SE3211 | Religion, Society & Politics in Southeast Asia | Serina A Rahman |
SE3214 | Heritage and Heritagescapes in Southeast Asia | Hamzah Muzaini |
SE3550/ISE3550 | Southeast Asian Studies Internship/Extended Internship | All Staff |
SE3660^ | Independent Study | All Staff |
SE4101/SE4101HM* | Southeast Asia Studies: Theory & Practice | Faizah Zakaria |
SE4212/SE4212HM* | Elites of Southeast Asia | Yoshinori Nishizaki |
SE4218/SE4218HM* | Majorities and Minorities in Southeast Asia | Vatthana Pholsena |
SE4225/SE4225HM* | The Cold War in Southeast Asia | Gerard Sasges |
SE4401/SE4401HM* | Honours Thesis | All Staff |
SE4660/SE4660HM* | Independent Study | All Staff |
*Students up to Cohort 2020 should read the 5-Unit version with ‘HM’ suffix, while students from Cohort 2021 onwards should read the 4-Unit version without the ‘HM’ suffix. This is due to CHS transition.
^For students on Semester-in-SEA Exchange Programme only.
Course Code | Course Title | Lecturer(s) |
GEC1046 | Magic, Myths and Society in Southeast Asia | Serina A Rahman |
GEC1048 | Death and Dying in the Human Experience | Mohamed Effendy |
GEH1045/GEC1013 | World Religions | Serina A Rahman Kuah Khun Eng (Adjunct) |
SE1101E | Southeast Asia: A Changing Region | Mohamed Effendy Irving Johnson |
HS2905 | Cheeseburger in Paradise: Why we eat what we eat | Lin Hongxuan Liu Mei Hui (NUS Food Science & Technology) |
SE2225 | Forbidden Pleasures: Vice in Southeast Asia | Hamzah Muzaini |
SE2230 | Modern Southeast Asia Through Film | Douglas Kammen |
SE3219 | Country Studies: Island Southeast Asia | Lin Hongxuan |
SE3224 | Thai Drawing and Painting | Irving Johnson |
SE3226 | Hard at Work: The Changing Face of Labour in SEA | Gerard Sasges |
SE3228 | The Universe Unraveling: Narratives of War in Indochina | Gerard Sasges |
SE3233 | Martial Arts in Southeast Asia | Mohamed Effendy |
SE3550/ISE3550 | Southeast Asian Studies Internship/Extended Internship | All Staff |
SE4227 | Nationalism in Southeast Asia | Douglas Kammen |
SE4401 | Honours Thesis | All Staff |
SE4660 | Independent Study | All Staff |
*Students up to Cohort 2020 should read the 5-Unit version with ‘HM’ suffix, while students from Cohort 2021 onwards should read the 4-Unit version without the ‘HM’ suffix. This is due to CHS transition.
Important Notes:
- Class timetable is available on NUSMods.
- GEH/GEQ/GER/GES/GET modules are offered to students from Cohort 2015 to 2020 only.
- GESS/GEC/GEX/GEA/GEI/GEN modules are offered to students from Cohort 2021 onwards.
- All language modules are offered by the Centre for Language Studies (CLS). Southeast Asian Studies major students who wish to plan for the modules may view the language modules offered from CLS website.